1/f Resistance Fluctuation of a Carbon Fiber : General Physics
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2001-09-15
赤羽 秀郎
Sato Miho
Department Of Ophthalmology Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Department of Media and Telecommunications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University
Department of Media and Telecommunications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University
AGU Masahiro
Department of Media and Telecommunications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University
Akabane Hideo
Department Of Media And Telecommunications Engineering Ibaraki University
Akabane Hideo
Department Of Applied Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Akabane Hideo
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Hiramatsu Junichi
Department Of Media And Telecommunications Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Ibaraki University
Agu Masahiro
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Engineering Ibaraki University
Sato Miho
Department Of Health Sociology School Of Health Sciences And Nursing Graduate School Of Medicine The
Sato Miho
Department Of Media And Telecommunications Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Ibaraki University
Agu Masahiro
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ibaraki University
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