家庭科教育における指導内容の歴史的考察(第2報) : 大正・昭和戦前における住居の領域
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大正時代における家事教科書の中で,住居指導の内容は充実されていくが,その内容は住居学の立場からみても,前時代の住生活を知るのに貴重な資料でもある。明治から引ついだ家事という教科が,大正を経て昭和へと社会の進展や変化に対応しながら完成していく様子を詳述したい。ここでも住居をとりあげていくが,大正時代は日本住宅のもつ本来の性格や意義が純粋に示された時代でもあり,昭和になって戦争を経験するとこれらは壊滅状態になる。この影響をうけて住居指導の方向も見失われてしまうのである。これをとりもどすため,もう一度原点にもどって考えたいのである。In this paper, the contents of texts on household matters in 1912~1945 have been studied. We selected three texts which had been used for more than ten years. These texts were revised many times. We analyzed the contents on household matters and examined the alterations during the initial and the final editions. As the texts went through many editions, planning, structure and equipments of dwelling were added, and, furthermore, considerations on western mode of living and of decoration were given. While such new contents were added, the traditional contents in the Meiji era had been reduced. Further, contents on countermeasures against calamities relating to dwelling had been extended. In general, the authors of texts considered the lives of the high class in 1910's, but they gradually became concerned with the lives of the middle class. The contents of texts were different from one another depending on the authors: professors Ishizawa and Kondo gave weight to the structure of dwelling and the planning suitable for the mode of living. Professor Yoshimura gave weight to the equipments in a dwelling. Unfortunately, such an favorable progress in the selection of educational material was interfered by the war.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
- わが国のHomemaking Education の原点
- 石沢吉麿氏の業績について
- 家庭科教育における指導内容の歴史的考察(第3報) : 戦後における中学校教育の中での住居指導
- 家庭科教育における指導内容の歴史的考察(第2報) : 大正・昭和戦前における住居の領域
- 家庭科教育における指導内容の歴史的考察(第1報) : 明治時代の住居の領域