- 論文の詳細を見る
The appropriate composition (especially a reasonable concentration of glucose and potassium) of a solution for intraoperative infusion were examined in man and dogs, undergoing relatively minor oral and maxillofacial surgery under inhalation anesthesia. Part 1 : Regarding a reasonable concentration of glucose in the solution. Subjects included thirty-three adult patients mainly undergoing radical operation for odontogenous maxillary sinusitis. The subjects were randomly assigned to the following three groups; (1) the LR group : patients infused with lactated Ringer solution (LR) ; (2) the 1% group : infused with LR containing 1% glucose and 10mEq/l of potassium (K); and (3) the 2% group : infused with LR containing 2% glucose and 10mEq/l of K. The infusion rate was set at 10ml/kg/hr from "before induction" "30 minutes after the start of surgery", and decreased to 5ml/kg/hr, thereafter. The following results were obtained : 1. In the LR group, serum concentration of free fatty acids (FFA) and ketone bodies (KB) increased and serum K decreased significantly during surgery. 2. Blood sugar increased more in the 2% group than in the 1% group. In one case from the 2% group, blood sugar transiently increased beyond 180mg/dl. 3. There was a significant decrease in FFA and KB during surgery in both the 1% and 296 groups. Part 2 : Regarding a reasonable concentration of potassium in the solution. Thirty-two mongrel dogs were used. The animals were divided into four groups according to the concentration of K in the infused solution, i. e. (1)4 (2)10 (3)20 and (4)30mEq/l. All solutions contained 1% glucose. The other conditions such as the infusion rate, anesthesia and surgery, were similar to those used in part 1 of the study. The following results were obtained : 1. The serum K concentration decreased in all four groups. The higher the K concentration in the infused solution, the less the decrease in serum K concentration. 2. When the solution containing 30mEq/l of K was infused during surgery, serum K concentration did not show an abnormally high level. From the above findings, a crystalloid solution containing 1% glucose and 10mEq/l of K (considerins the margin of safety for hyperkalemia) is supposed to be appropriate as a solution for intraoperative infusion during relatively minor oral and maxillofacial surgery.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1994-06-30
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- P-8 当院手術室における気道確保困難症例に対する管理(ポスター3,第38回福岡歯科大学学会総会抄録)
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- P21 新しい吸入麻酔薬デスフルランの使用経験(ポスター7,第39回福岡歯科大学学会総会抄録)
- 経鼻挿管に伴ら鼻孔周囲褥瘡の予防策についての検討