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To quantitatively analyze of the durability of scalers, the author developed an automatic scaling apparatus which simulated the scaling process by hand instrumentation. This apparatus was used to examine the scaling conditions including the abrased materials and scaling angles. Quantitative evaluation of durability was determined by the amount of abrased material worn-away by the sickle scaler. The results indicated that polycarbonate, which has a hardness comparable to human dentin, was most suitable as the abrased material in this experiment. The most effective scaling angle was 87°under these conditions, the automatic scaling apparatus was most effective in the quantitative analysis of the durability of the scalers. To improve the abrasion resistance of scaler blades, diamond-coated blades were developed based on electrodeposition and were tested quantitatively for durability using the automatic scaling apparatus combined with scanning electron microscopical (SEM) observation of the blades. Four different sizes of diamond particles were used for the test scalers : D-4000 with 2-4μm particles, D-800 with 12-25μm, D-600 with 20-30μm and D-500 with 30-40μm. A series of abrasion tests indicated that all the electrodeposited diamond scalers except D-4000 showed better abrasion resistance than the control (D-0). D-600 showed the best abrasion resistance as well as cutting quality among all test scalers. The SEM observation also suggested that D-600 had the highest abrasion resistance. Furthermore, examination of the surface roughness and the surface profile of the scaled human dentin was performed by means of a profilometer. Comparisons between the electrodeposited diamond scalers showed that average surface roughness was increased in order by D-4000,D-800,D-600 and D-500. However, the surface profile after the scaling with all but the D-500 scaler resulted in surfaces no rougher than that produced with the D-0 scaler. These results suggested that the electrodeposited diamond scaler with 20-30μm diamond particles had good abrasion resistance as well as cutting quality without significant increasing the surface roughness after conventional scaling procedures.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1993-06-30
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