Molecular Arrangements of Fatty Acids and Cholesterol at Liquid/Graphite Interface Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have directly imaged organic molecules such as fatty acids and cholesterol adsorbed onto a graphite substrate using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The arrangements of pure fatty acids such as myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, behenic and elaidic acids are essentially similar except that STM images change systematically with the length of the alkyl chain. The STM images attained atomic resolution and as a result we observed the individual hydrocarbon groups in the alkyl chains. In the direction parallel and perpendicular to the molecular axis, the molecules on the graphite substrate form dimers via hydrogen bonding between carboxyl groups and a superstructure with a period of four or five molecules, respectively. The image of a monolayer of a binary mixture of fatty acids adsorbed onto the substrate reflects two different lengths of alkyl chains. A monolayer of cholesterol molecules was imaged for the first time.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1995-06-30
八田 一郎
名古屋大 大学院
Hatta Ichiro
Liberal Arts Fukui University Of Technology
Hatta Ichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
HIBINO Masahiro
Departtnent of Applied Physics, Nagoya University
Sumi A
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering Nagoya University
SUMI Akinori
Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University
- (29) 企業人の指導による創造性育成工学実験の試み : 「高度総合工学創造実験」の紹介(第9セッション 教育システム(IV))
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- 第17回日本熱物性シンポジウム : 特別セッション(C)薄膜・微小領域の熱物性/熱測定パネルディスカッション
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- 周期加熱法による熱物性測定技術
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- 31p-X-2 トンネル顕微鏡によるリン脂質膜のリップル構造の観察 I
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- (19)高度総合工学創造実験の試行(第5セッション 教育システム(V))
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- 2a-H-6 骨格筋における張力の圧力依存性
- Experimental Study of Dynamic Specific Heat Capacity of Protein Aqueous Solutions (鈴鹿工業高等専門学校創立20周年記念号)
- 1p-RH-5 硬直筋の超音波弾性率II
- 2a-H-8 骨格筋の単収縮と強縮状態の相違性
- 3G302 リン脂質・水系の熱測定・X線回折同時測定
- Simultaneous Measurement of Solid-solid Phase Transition of Hexatriacontane using DSC and SAXS.
- ポリエチレンテレフタレートのラメラ構造形成過程
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- はじめに
- Development of AC Calorimetric Method for Thermal Diffusivity Measuremernt V. Modulated Laser Beam Irradiation
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- acカロリメトリ-
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- 高輝度X線回折を用いた角質層の構造解析 (特集 最先端科学と化粧品科学の接点を探る)
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- 1PD025 X線回折による脂質混合系の膜間相互作用の研究
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- モノアシルグリセロールの立方相間転移
- 第33回熱測定討論会報告 特別講演S2
- Frequency Modulation Device using Ultrasonic Bulk Waves : Piezoelectric Vibrators and Devices
- Frequency Modulator using Ultrasonic Vibrator : Ultrasonic Transduction
- 13B05 80CB,8CBのスメクチックA_d相における2つの状態
- An AC Calorimeter for Liquid Including Suspension of Biological Materials
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- AC Calorimetric Thermal Diffusivity Measurement in Relatively Thick Samples by a Distance-Variation Method
- Two-Dimensional Effects on Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity by AC Calorimetric Method : III. Advantage of Double-Heating Method
- Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of Chemical-Vapor-Deposited Diamond by an AC Calorimetric Method
- Two-Dimensional Effects on Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity by AC Calorimetric Method : II. Effects of Heat Loss
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- 14B05 TEMPOラベル磁気共鳴によるリン脂質のプレトランジションにおけるスローイング・ダウン
- 2S10 ビタミンEによるホスファチジルエタノールアミンの相挙動変化
- Dynamic Investigation of the Solid-Solid Phase Transition of Normal-Alkane (Hexatriacontane) by Simultaneous Measurements with Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering and X-Ray Television Detector
- 3p-RL-11 脂質二層膜混合系の相転移II