水田多年生雑草ヒルムシロの生理生態学的研究 : 第1報 生活史について
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(1) Changes in the dry weight, leaf area and leaf morphology of the pond weed, Potamogeton distinctus A. BENNETT, were studied throughout the life history of the weed. Dry weight increased with plant growth after the planting of winter buds on 1st of June, reaching maximum values in mid-September to early October. There after, the dry weight decreased rapidly especially after mid-October when winter buds were formed underground. Leaf area index (LAI) was found to reach the value of 8, 2 months after planting and as high a LAI value as 7 was maintained for a period of 2 months thereafter. In the pond weed, chlorophyll decomposition of detached leaves was very slow compared with that of rice leaves and the existence of certain mechanisms that make the leaves resistant to senescence has been postulated. With the progression of growth, the leaf shape became much more round. However, this change was not observed after August. The length of the petioles decreased with the change of the leaf shape mentioned above. (2) Effect of dry treatment of winter bud on the elongation of the bud was examined. When water was supplied to winter buds after application of the dry treatment at 10℃ or 30℃ under darkness, the growth of the buds was accelerated. Especially, under 10℃ the elongation was markedly promoted when the moisture content of the winter buds decreased up t050-70% of the initial content and then water was given again. In contrast the winter buds that had not been subjected to the dry treatment did not elongate even at 6 months afterwater supply. (3) The effect of physical stress on the elongation of winter buds was also examined. Physical stress consisting of covering the winter buds with glass beads, accelerated their elongation compared with that of the uncovered control as the case of the mesocotyl in the indica type of rice.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1984-12-17
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