花卉育種の基礎的研究 : (1)ムラサキクンシランの花粉形成と稔性
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The pollen development and fertility in Agmpanthus umbellalus L'Her have been studied and the following results were obtained. 1 Agapanthus umbellatus L'Her was the diploid plant and no abnormality o melosls in pollen mother cells were observed. 2. The percentage of pollen germination was 12.5-32.7%. This number m.ay be seen too small because the observation was made only one hour after pollination, and so the real number of pollen capable of germination would be higher . 3. Two methods of pollination were used, one was cross-pollination and the other was openpollination. The results were somewhat better in the case of open-polliatio-n, namely 258 flowers were pollinated and 33 capsules were fructified, the percentage of fructified capsules for pollinated flowers were 12.8%. In the case of cross-pollination 31 flowers were pollinated but no copsule was fructified. 4,. The seed of Agapanthus umbellatus L'Her has a fcather on one side and shape of capsule is fong ellipse with high three mounds. 5. Three kind,s of seed were recognized in the capsule; D. erfect seeds, imperfect seeds, ' and sterile seeds. In the 2nd type, the seed development was not perfect, and the 3rd type was considerd that the growth of ovule was not, complete. Th:e percentage of the perfect seeds above men.tiori,ed was only 3.8-29.2%6. The cause of high sterility in Agapalethus umbellatus L'Her could not be recognized cytological relation but seemed to be 'high relation with the ,equilibrium of nutriment between sexual organ and nutritive organ. The remarkable vegetative development of nutritive organ was considered to has important correlation with. the fruit-bearing.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1952-12-30
- キュウリの花の性発現における品種間差異の生理的解析
- 99 稲の障害型不稔と穂の内生ジベレリン
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- 76 環境ストレスの発現機構 : (8) イネの風に対する反応と遺伝的背景との関係 : 特にエチレン生成について
- 107 環境ストレスの発現機構 : (7) オオムギの乾物生産、窒素吸収およびエチレン生成に及ぼす風の影響
- 88 環境ストレスの発現機構 : (6) イネの窒素吸収,エチレン生成およびジベレリン含量におよぼす風の影響
- 69 水稲の乾物生産に及ぼす風の影響 : 環境ストレスの発現機構(4)
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- 花卉育種の基礎的研究 : (1)ムラサキクンシランの花粉形成と稔性
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- エチレン前駆物質1-アミノシクロプロパン-1-カルボン酸によるキュウリの性表現とエチレン生成
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