Glass Transition Behavior of Al-Y-Ni and Al-Ce-Ni Amorphous Alloys : Condensed Matter
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1988-09-20
KIMURA Hisamichi
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
INOUE Akihisa
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
OHTERA Katsumasa
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Kimura Hisamichi
Institute For Material Research Tohoku University
Tsai A‐p
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
TSAI An-Pang
Graduat School, Tohoku University
Masumoto Tsuyoshi
Institute For Materials Research
Ohtera Katsumasa
Institute For Materials Research
Inoue Akihisa
Institiute For Materials Resarch Tohoku University
TSAI An-Pang
Graduate School, Tohoku University
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- Friction Stir Welding of Zr_Cu_Ni_5Al_ Bulk Metallic Glass
- Enhanced Tensile Strength and Plasticity of Zr-Cu-Al Bulk Glassy Alloys at Cryogenic Temperatures
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- The Effect of Additional Elements on Hydrogen Permeation Properties of Melt-Spun Ni-Nb-Zr Amorphous Alloys
- Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Glassy and Amorphous Ni-Nb-Zr Alloys Produced by Rapid Solidification
- Production of Ni_Cr_P_B_4 Metallic Glass-Coated Bipolar Plate for Fuel Cell by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) Spray Coating Method
- Soft Magnetic Properties of Ring Shape Bulk Glassy Fe-Al-Ga-P-C-B-Si Alloy Prepared by Copper Mold Casting
- Effect of Fe Content on the Glass-Forming Ability, Thermal Stability of Supercooled Liquid and Magnetic Properties of Fe_Al_5Ga_2(P_C_B_)_x Amorphous Alloys
- Preparation of Thick Amorphous Alloy Sheets in Multicomponent Fe-based Systems and Their Thermal and Magnetic Properties
- Oxide Glass/Amorphous Metal Alloy Laminated Membrane for Hydrogen Separation
- High Strength Ni-Fe-W and Ni-Fe-W-P Alloys Produced by Electrodeposition
- In-situ Electron Diffraction Study of Bulk Amorphous La_Al_Ni_ in the Supercooled Liquid Region
- Development of Ni-Pd-P-B Bulk Metallic Glasses with High Glass-Forming Ability
- Nucleation and Growth in Undercooled Melts of Bulk-Metallic-Glass Forming Zr_Ni_Al_ Alloy
- Microstructures of Pd_Ag_La_5 Alloy Studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Functions of Ni_Nb_Zr_ Glassy Alloy
- Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of Mg-xSn-5Al-1Zn(x=0, 1, 5 and 9mass%) Alloys
- The Effect of Trace Addition of Strontium and Zinc on the Creep Properties of Mg-6Sn-5Al-2Si Alloys
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- New Amorphous Alloys in Al-Ti Binary System
- High Strength Al-Ti-Fe Alloys Consisting of Amorphous and fcc-Al Phases Prepared by Rapid Solidification
- High Mechanical Strength of Al-(V, Cr, Mn)-(Fe, Co, Ni)Quasicrystalline Alloys Prepared by Rapid Solidification
- Thermal Stability and Soft Magnetic Properties of Fe-Co-Ga-P-C-B Alloys with High Glass-Forming Ability
- Preparation of Fe_Co_Ga_5P_C_4B_4 Bulk Glassy Alloy with Good Soft Magnetic Properties by Spark-Plasma Sintering of Glassy Powder
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- Bulk Glassy Fe_Co_xGa_2P_C_4B_4 Alloys with High Saturation Magnetization and Good Soft Magnetic Properties
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- Densification of Gas Atomized Ni-Based Metallic Glassy Powders by Spark Plasma Sintering
- Fabrication of ZrCuAlNi Metallic Glassy Matrix Composite Containing ZrO_2 Particles by Spark Plasma Sintering Process
- Influences of Temperature and Strain Rate on Mechanical Behavior of a Cu_Zr_Al_5Ag_5 Bulk Glassy Alloy
- Cu_Zr_Al_5Ag_5 Bulk Glassy Alloy with Enhanced Compressive Strength and Plasticity at Cryogenic Temperature
- Annealing-Induced Devitrification Behavior of a Ti_Zr_Ni_Cu_ Glassy Alloy
- Corrosion Behavior of Ti-Based Metallic Glasses
- Preparation of a Wide Zr_Al_Ni_5Cu_ Metallic Glass Sheet by a Twin-Roller Type Casting Method and Its Mechanical Properties
- Mechanical Properties of Melt-Spun Amorphous Ni-Nb-Zr Alloys after Hydrogen Charging
- Fracture Toughness of Zr_Al_Ni_5Cu_ Bulk Metallic Glass by 3-Point Bend Testing
- Effect of Tantalum on Corrosion Resistance of Ni-Nb(-Ta)-Ti-Zr Glassy Alloys at High Temperature
- New Cu-Zr-Al-Nb Bulk Glassy Alloys with High Corrosion Resistance
- Excellent Mechanical Properties of Cu-Hf-Ti-Ta Bulk Glassy Alloys Containing In-Situ Dendrite Ta-based BCC Phase
- Fatigue Behaviors of Ultra Fine Wires of β-Type and α-Type Titanium Alloys
- Developments of Aluminum- and Magnesium-Based Nanophase High-Strength Alloys by Use of Melt Quenching-Induced Metastable Phase
- Structural Analysis of Melt-Spun Mg_xPd_ (x = 70, 80, 85 and 90) Amorphous Alloys
- X-ray Diffraction Study for Mg_4Pd Crystalline and Amorphous Alloys Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Glass Transition Behavior of Al-Y-Ni and Al-Ce-Ni Amorphous Alloys : Condensed Matter
- Production of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Glasses by Liquid Quenching and their Glass Transition and Structural Relaxation : Condensed Matter
- Undercooling Behavior and Critical Cooling Rate of Pd-Pt-Cu-P Alloy
- Isothermal Relaxation Behavior in a Pd_Cu_Ni_P_ Metallic Glass
- Electrical Resistivity and Mossbauer Studies for the Structural Relaxation Process in Pd-Cu-Ni-P Glasses
- Bulk Glassy Fe-Co-Ga-P-C-B Alloys with High Glass-Forming Ability, High Saturation Magnetization and Good Soft Magnetic Properties
- High Strength and Good Soft Magnetic Properties of Bulk Glassy Fe-Mo-Ga-P-C-B Alloys with High Glass-Forming Ability
- New Pd-Based Bulk Glassy Alloys with High Glass-Forming Ability and Large Supercooled Liquid Region
- Effect of B Addition on the Extension of Supercooled Liquid Region in Zr-Cu-Al Base Amorphous Alloys
- Preparation and Thermal Stability of Bulk Amorphous Pd_Cu_Ni_P_ Alloy Cylinder of 72mm in Diameter
- Effect of B Addition Extension of Supercooled Liquid Region before Crystallization in Pd-Cu-Si Amorphous Alloys
- Temperature-Time-Transformation Curve and Viscous Flow Deformation of Zr_Cu_Al_Ni_5 Bulk Glassy Alloy
- Production of Bulk Glassy Alloy Parts by a Levitation Melting-Forging Method
- Consolidation of Fe-Co-Nd-Dy-B Glassy Powders by Spark-Plasma Sintering and Magnetic Properties of the Consolidated Alloys
- Glass-Forming Ability, Crystallized Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe_Co_Nd_3Dy_B_ Glassy Alloy with Large Supercooled Liquid Region
- Corrosion Behavior of Zr-(Nb-)Al-Ni-Cu Glassy Alloys
- Cutting Characteristics of Bulk Metallic Glass
- Effect of Pre-Introduced Shear Bands Direction on Deformation Behavior in Zr_Al_Ni_5Cu_ Bulk Metallic Glass
- Effects of Size and Volume Fraction of Precipitated Crystalline Phase Induced by Friction Stir Processing on Hardness in Zr-Al-Ni-Cu Bulk Metallic Glass
- Hydrogen Sensors Using Pd-Based Metallic Glassy Alloys
- Analysis of 3D Random Al_B_4O_ Whisker Reinforced Mg Composite Using FEM and Random Sequential Adsorption
- Thermal, Mechanical and Physical Properties of Supercooled Liquid in Pd-Cu-Ni-P Amorphous Alloy
- High T_c Superconductivity of a Melt-Spun Er_1Ba_2Cu_3 Oxide Ribbon
- Development of W-Reinforced Zr-Based Metallic Glass
- Shape Memory Effect and Magnetostriction in Rapidly Solidified Fe-29.6at%Pd Alloy
- Preparation of Highly Active Methanol Steam Reforming Catalysts from Glassy Cu-Zr Alloys with Small Amount of Noble Metals
- Microstructure of Bonding Interface for Resistance Welding of Zr-Based Metallic Glass Sheets
- The Effect of Cerium on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Mg-4Al-2Sn-1Ca Alloy
- Alloying Effect on the Hydrogen Sensing Property of Melt-Spun Mg_Pd_ Amorphous Alloy
- Viscous Flow Workability of Ni-Cr-P-B Metallic Glasses Produced by Melt-Spinning in Air
- Effect of Cold Drawing on Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Cu-5 at% Zr Alloy
- Crystallization Kinetics of Ti_Ni_Cu_ Melt-Spun Amorphous Ribbons
- Enganced Shot Peening Effect for Steels by Using Fe-based Glassy Alloy Shots
- Formation, Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Based Glassy Alloys Containing Boron
- Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Ti_Cu_Zr_TM_(TM = Co, Fe) Metallic Glass Sheets Prepared by Twin-Roller Casting Method
- Crystalline Texture and Magnetostriction in Rapid-Solidified Fe-Pd Alloy Ribbons
- Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity of Heavily Cold-Rolled Cu_Zr_x Alloys (x=0-8)
- Thermal stability of Pd-based metallic glasses examined by electrical resistance measurement
- High T_c Superconductor Prepared by Oxidization of a Liquid-Quenched Yb_1Ba_2Cu_3 Alloy Foil in Air
- Formation of a Nanoscale hcp Structure by Crystallization of an Amorphous Co_Zr_7B_2 Alloy
- Nanometer-Scale Structure of Rapidly Solidified Al_V_3Fe_3Zr_2 Alloy
- Formation, Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of New Amorphous Al_Fe_Zr_1 Alloy
- Application of a Hydrogen Storage Alloy with an Amorphous Phase for Sensing Hydrogen in Water
- Relations between the Electrical Resistance and Hydrogen Absorption/Desorption for Melt-Spun Mg_Al_3Pd_ and Ni_Nb_Zr_ Amorphous Alloys
- Effect of Hydrogen Absorption on the Electrical Resistance of Melt-Spun Mg-Pd and Mg-Ni-Pd Amorphous Alloys
- Development of Glassy Alloy Separators for a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)
- Increase in Thermal Stability of Mg_Ni_Ca_5 Amorphous Alloy by Absorption of Hydrogen
- Composition Control of Pd-Cu-Si Metallic Glassy Alloys for Thin Film Hydrogen Sensor
- Influence of Precipitation Behavior of Different Crystalline Phases for Embrittlement Behavior of Several Zr-Based Metallic Glasses
- Ultrahigh Strength and High Electrical Conductivity Characteristics of Cu-Zr Alloy Wires with Nanoscale Duplex Fibrous Structure
- High-Throughput Screening of Ultraviolet-Visible Magnetooptical Properties of Spinel Ferrite (Zn, Co)Fe_2O_4 Solid Solution Epitaxial Film by a Composition-Spread Approach
- Suppression of Crystallization in Ti-Based Alloys by Fluxing