Density Measurements of the Laser Produced Plasma by Lase Light Scattering
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1968-08-05
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Yamanaka C
Inst. Laser Technol. Osaka Jpn
Yamanaka T
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
YAMANAKA Tatsuhiko
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Onishi Masanori
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
IZAWA Yasukazu
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Tsuchimori Noriyuki
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Yamanaka Chiyoe
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Yamanaka Tatsuhiko
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
- ソロバン格子CIP法による流体構造連成解析
- 太陽光励起レーザーとマグネシウムを利用したエネルギーシステム
- 高精度非構造ソロバン格子CIP法(CIP法)
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- Optimum Design of Exploding Pusher Target to Produce Maximum Neutrons
- Nd/Cr:YAG Ceramic Rod Laser Pumped Using Arc-Metal-Halide-Lamp
- Performance of Plasma Erosion Opening Switches in High Voltage Pulsed Power Compression
- Jet Formation and Application for Inertial Confinement Fusion Target
- Experimental Study of Alternative Implosion Concepts for Particle Beam ICF
- Performance of a Diverged Electron Beam Ion Diode
- Characteristics of Transported Ion Beam in Laser-Initiated Plasma Channels
- CO_2 Laser Guided Plasma Channel for Light Ion Beam Transport
- Momentum Transfer and Related Interaction Phenomena of a High Power CO_2 Laser
- Observation of Burn and Pusher Regions of Laser-Driven Large-High-Aspect-Ratio Target by α-Particle Imaging
- Ablative Acceleration of Pellet Shells Irradiated by External Soft X-ray Sources
- Soft X-Ray Driven Ablation and Its Positive Use for a New Efficient Acceleration
- Ablation Nonuniformity on Laser Irradiated Pellet and Collisional Hot Electron Filamentation
- Performance of Radial Focus Applied-B Ion Diode on a Coaxial Pulse Power Machine
- New Scheme of Cannonball Target Driven by Ion Beam
- Light Ion Beam Transport in a Multi-Plasma Channel System
- Characteristics of Intense Ion Beam in Pinch Reflex Diode
- Study of Double Foil Acceleration by Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Irradiation
- Determination of Energies of Intense Light Ion Beams by the Boron-Nitride Nuclear Activation Method
- Ablative Acceleration of Thin Foil Targets by Intense Proton Beams
- Generation and Focusing of Intense Ion Beams in Pinch-Reflex Diode
- Enhancement of the Ion Current Density in Magnetically Insulated Ion Diodes
- Production of Ion Beams in Pinched-Electron-Beam Diode
- Experimental Study on Electron Beam Energy Recovery System Using a Laser-Heated Electron Gun and a Multistage Electron Collector for Highly Efficient Beam Application
- Observation of Spontaneous Radiation Emitted by Electron Beam Interaction with Electromagnetic Helical Microwiggler
- Proof of Principle Experiments for Compton Scattering of a Stored Photon in a Supercavity
- The Interaction between Intense Electron Beam and Plasma
- The Behavior of Plasma Produced by the Intense Electron Beam
- Development of HALNA DPSSL for the inertial fusion energy
- Tunable Near-Infrared and Visible All-Solid-State Optical Parametric Oscillator Amplifier System Based on Potassium Titanyl Phosphate Crystal
- Bandwidth Narrowing of an All-Solid-State Optical Parametric Oscillator Amplifier System
- Conceptual Design Studies of a Laser Diode Pumped Solid State Laser System for the Laser Fusion Reactor Driver
- Direct Interferometric Measurement of Static and Nonlinear Wavefront Distortions of a High Power Glass Laser Beam
- High-Sensitivity Two-Dimensional Observation of Thermal Birefringence Compensation in Laser-Diode Pumped Nd:Glass Laser Rods
- Numerical Studies on Parameters for Stable Adiabatic Inversion by Gaussian and Square Pulses
- Measurement of Dipole Matrix Element of Atomic Gd Transitions using Rabi Flopping
- Influence of Laser Pulse Duration on N_2^+, N^+, and N^ Formation Processes in the Nitrogen Molecule
- Model for Cannonball-Like Acceleration of Laser-Irradiated Targets
- Absorption Rate and Uniformity in a Laser Fusion Pellet
- Preheating Energy in a Soft-X-Ray-Accelerated Foil
- X-Ray Geometrical Smoothing Effect in Indirect X-Ray-Drive Implosion
- Efficient Laser Absorption in Low Density Foam Target
- Pellet Gain Optimization of Particle Beam Fusion with Au Shell and DT Fuel Target
- Computer Simulation of Nonlinear Propagation Characteristics of CO_2 Laser Pulse
- Harmonics of Thomson Backscattered X-Rays
- Analysis of Laser Beam Propagation Effects in Atomic Laser Isotope Separation
- A Constructton of the High Power Laser Amplifier Using Glass and Selenium Oxychloride Doped with Nd^
- New Potential of a Direct Laser-Diode-Pumped Yb:YAG Laser
- Anomalous Transmission of Laser Light through a Thin Foil Target under 1.06 μm Laser Irradiation
- Improvement of Absorption and Hydrodynamic Efficiency by Using a Double-Foil Target with a Pinhole
- Three-Wavelength Backscatter Measurement of Clouds and Aerosols Using a White Light Lidar System : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Gain and Spectral Characteristics of Broadband Optical Parametric Amplification
- Design of Modified Wiggler for Higher Harmonic Lasing of Free Electron Laser
- Influence of Bacteria in a Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Solution on the Growth Habit of Crystals
- Simultaneous Double Band Oscillation in a Helical-Pin CO_2-Laser
- Optimum Condition of Nitrogen Mixing Ratio on TEA-Type CO_2-N_2 Laser
- Interaction of Laser and Plasma Investigated by Scattering of Light
- The Laser Interaction with Plasma Brillouin Backscattering and Isotope Shift : Spectroscopy
- Heating of High z Plasma by Laser
- Ion Temperature of Laser-Produced Plasma
- Properties of Plasma Produced by High Power Laser
- Generation and Amplification of Laser Pulse with a Variable Pulsewidth Using PTM Method
- One-Photon Ionization of Liquid Water upon 193 nm Laser Irradiation
- Photolysis of CO_2 with 158 nm (F_2) Laser. Reactivity of O (^1D) with CH_4, CF_3H, and CF_3CH_3
- Fundamental Studies on One-Dimensional Cannonball Targets at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Hot Electron Energy Distribution in One-Dimensional Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Imaging Characteristics of a Replicated Wolter Type. : I. X-Ray Mirror Designed for Laser Plasma Diagnostics
- Density Matched Coating for Laser Fusion Targets
- Fine-Structure Splitting in ν_4 of CF_4 Measured by Tunable Diode Laser
- Optical Measurement of Laser-Driven Imploding Shock Wave
- Super High Voltage System for Ion Beam Inertial Confinement Fusion
- Selection of Glassmicroballoon and Measurement of Pellet Properties for Laser Fusion Experiments
- Ultrahigh Pulsed Magnetic Field Produced by a CO_2 Laser
- Implosion Property of Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Hot Electron Energy Distribution in Spherical Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Measurements of Intensity Scaling of Ablation Pressure at 10.6 μm and 1.05 μm Laser Wavelengths
- Measurements of Ablation Pressure and Mass Ablation Rate Using a Target Pendulum and a Thin Foil Target at 10 μm Laser Wavelength
- Pulse Power Compression by Fast Opening Switch
- Neutrons and Protons Production Due to the Interaction between Intense Electron Beam and the Target
- Target Heating by an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam
- Recent Progress of Laser Fusion
- Implosion Efficiency of Light Ion Beam Driven Target
- Nuclear Analysis of GEKKO XII ICF Experiment Facility
- The Behaviors of Spikes of a Q Varying Ruby Laser
- The Relation between the Spikes and the Q Spoiling Time in a Ruby Laser
- Density Measurements of the Laser Produced Plasma by Lase Light Scattering
- A Simulation of Space Plasma by Laser Produced Plasma
- Relation between the Transient Laser Oscillations and the Plasma Quantities in a He-Ne Gaseous Laser
- Temperature Dependence of Phase-Matching Angle of Second and Third Harmonic Generation in Type-II KDP Crystal
- An Investigation of Pulse Structure of Mode-Locked Glass Laser Using Two Photon Fluorescence Measurement Technique
- Precursor Observed in an Electro-Magnetically Driven Shock Tube