Pattern Classification with an Optical PAPA Device
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An optical PAPA (Automatic Programmer and Analyzer of Probabilities) device using a coherent optical system was made. Each random mask used for the classification of the input patterns consists of the several elements of the matrix pattern of diffraction gratings with particular azimuthal orientation theta of grating lines. Therefore, the transmitted light through the input pattern and random masks is theta modulated and is used to make the filter for classification. Horizontal and vertical line patterns and Japanese characters were classified with proper accuracy. Problems of the selection of random masks, characteristics of a photographic emulsion and errors of classification are also discussed.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1970-07-05
Kato Hisatoyo
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Kato Hisatoyo
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo:(present Address) Fuji Phot
Tanaka Shun-ichi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
TANAKA Shun-ichi
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering University of Tokyo
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