- 論文の詳細を見る
Numerical simulation is a powerful means to understand the movement of tsunamis and to prepare for the tsunami disasters. The 1960 Chilean tsunami which started with a crest at the front began with a big ebb at Japan. The reason of this change is clarified through a computer-graphics-aided animation. Since the 1992 Nicaraguan tsunami, numerical simulation is completed before the field survey, Comparison of numerical results with tsunami traces will distinguish the real characteristics of the tsunami. Many numerical techniques are developed for application to establish the tsunami defence works. Hazard maps produced by numerical simulation are now a popular means in tsunami-prone countries. The most remarkable application of numerical simulation is the JMA tsunami forecasting which is in effect since April 1999. An application in public education in the near future is the virtual reality based upon numerical simulation.
- 日本シミュレーション学会の論文
- 2000-03-15
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- 1.チリ津波前後を概観する(チリ津波40周年 : 何をもたらし, 何がかわったか?)
- はじめに(チリ津波40周年 : 何をもたらし, 何がかわったか?)
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