病院・老人・身障児施設の設備の使われ方 : 身障者の洗面・排泄・入浴諸行為の建築計画的研究 (2)
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One of the most important data for planning wards is to know where and how the patients do their activities of daily life (ADL), such as washing, excreting, bathing etc. In this paper, we investigated the places of ADL dividing in to three parts, i.e. (1) in the bed (2) out of the bed in the ward (3) out of the ward, and the way to the places from two different points of view, i.e., (1) with supporter or not, (2) with supporting apparatus or not, if they use it, what kinds of. CONCLUSIONS (A) Places for ADL (1) Out of the ward : Almost all of ADL are held out of the ward (50%〜98%). Above all, bathing is usually held out of the ward in every kind of facility (over 95%). For the bath room in the special treatment facility for the aged, the special equipments are well designed. (2) In the ward : 30〜50% patients in hospitals are washing faces and excreting in the ward. In one of the hospitals investigated 50% patients are taking the bath on beds by a kind of movable steam towel apparatus. (3) In the bed : Remarkable percentages (35〜45%) are found in their excreting. They use pots in the bed or chairs with a pot by the bed. (B) Supporters In every facilities, we found out 40〜80% patients moving with supporters, espicially, in disabled children's facilities, as well as in the ward for pediatrics, childbirth, or plastic surgery of the hospitals. (C) Supporting apparatus In disabled children's facilities, 60% children role out of the ward through the flat corridor covered with carpet, and 25% children use wheel chairs. As for the old people's houses, those are typical cases that they go to washing with canes, and to bathing on stretchers (54%).
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1971-05-30
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