- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper investigates theoretically the maximum pressure occurred in the water impact of the rigid wedge model. It is well known that Wagner's theory predicts the maximum pressure much higher than the experimental results by Chuang in case of small dead rise angle 4°, where air cushioning effects can be ignored. One of the reasons mentioned of such a discrepancy is error in measurement by a pressure gage of a finite diameter. It is not proved, however, that all the discrepancy can be attributed to the measurement error. The authors determine the wetted width by considering the splash width derived from the condition of energy balance and of the free surface under the assumption 0L self-similarity. The smaller value 0L the wetted width than Wagner's prediction is obtained and it shows a good agreement with the experiment by Bisplinghoff. &. Doherty. The present theory gives the lower maximum pressure than that predicted by Wagner, since the maximum pressure is approximately in proportion to the square of the wetted width ratio c/c' for small deadrise angle. It is concluded, therefore, that the maximum pressure is essentially lower than Wagner's prediction under the assumption of self-similarity in free surface.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 有限要素法の解析要求に応じた幾何モデル生成技術
- 解析要求に応じた有限要素モデリング技術 : ビーム, シェル, ソリッド要素によるモデル化
- 国際船舶海洋構造会議(ISSC)専門家委員会V. 6環境対策技術委員会出席報告
- 日本計算工学会会長挨拶
- 日本計算工学会新会長挨拶
- 21世紀(当初)の計算工学(の一面)
- ナホトカ号の事故調査と計算力学
- シェル・ソリッド重合メッシュ解析による表面き裂の解析
- 重合メッシュ法による穴あき板の解析に関する一考察
- ノードレスハイブリッド要素を用いた連続体の位相最適化