- 論文の詳細を見る
Determination of the chemical properties of the venom of Chiracanthium japonicum, which is well known as the most medically important spider in Japan, was studied. The venom was prepared by dissecting out the venom glands from mature female spiders. Then the glands were homogenized in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) with a glass homogenizer. The clear, viscous surpernatant obtained by centrifugation was stored in a small vial and regarded as the crude venom. This venom was fractionated on a Sephadex G-200 column. The white mice (JCL) were injected intraperitoneally with 0.2ml of different concentrations of the fractionated venom. The lethal activity was noted. Lethal activity was fractionated on a CM Sephadex C-50 column. The fractions were regarded as the purified venom. The toxic responses to mice were dyspnea, prostration, flaccid paralysis and death. The lethal activity was determined to be neurotoxic in action. The minimal lethal dose (MLD) of the purified venom for mice was 10μg. The house-fly was used for the toxicity test. The LD_<50> was 0.069μg/honsefly. The erythematic activity on rabbit hide was examined by injecting the venom intradermally. The minimal redness dose (MRD) to evoke 10×10mm size of redness in the rabbit was 0.7μg. The molecular weight of purified protein was 63,000±2,000. The toxicity to mice was completely destroyed by heating at 60℃ in 10 minutes and lost at 0℃ in five to seven days.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1996-09-15
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- Venoms : Chemistry and Molecular Biology T. Tu. Anthony, コロラド州立大学生化学教室, Wiley, New York, 1977, 560pp.
- わが国の有毒蜘蛛, カバキコマチグモ Chiracanthium japonicum の病害と生態に関する研究 : 3. 毒器官の機能および組織学的形態
- ブユ刺咬症の疫学調査成績
- 12 ブユ咬症の調査成績
- 27 カバキコマチグモ毒の物理, 化学, 生物学的性状
- 数種の内外産の吸血性ヒルの走査電子顕微鏡による形態学的研究 : I. 内地産チスイビル (Hirudo nipponica)
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- 1 蜘蛛刺咬症 10 例の観察
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