ヒメスズメバチ Vespa tropica の刺傷によるアナフィラキシーショックの一例
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A case of anaphylactic shock from the wasp, Vespa tropica, was recorded in Higashi-Yamanashi city, a typical agricultural area in Japan, on October 12,1976. This case was a 51-year-old female farmer who was stung on the nap by a wasp while working at her farm. Approximately ten minutes later, dyspnea and cloudiness of consciousness developed. When she was brought to hospital at twenty minutes after the wasp sting, blood pressure was unable to obtain and moist rales was audible all over the chest. At approximately 15 minutes on I. V. drip including predoning, nor-epinephrine, aminophyllin and histamics as well as on oxygen, initial symptoms were stabilized and consciousness became clear. The review of hospital charts revealed that ten patients had been treated for wasp or bee stings in the hospital of the present case during the period of October, 1975 to September, 1976. further epidemiological studies on wasp or bee stings need to be carried out. Desensitization therapy may be useful for those known to be hypersensitive to stings. It is also advisable that those especially in close contact with these insects be educated on the danger of their sting.
- 1977-09-15
- ヒメスズメバチ Vespa tropica の刺傷によるアナフィラキシーショックの一例
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- Venoms : Chemistry and Molecular Biology T. Tu. Anthony, コロラド州立大学生化学教室, Wiley, New York, 1977, 560pp.
- わが国の有毒蜘蛛, カバキコマチグモ Chiracanthium japonicum の病害と生態に関する研究 : 3. 毒器官の機能および組織学的形態
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