衛生害虫の天敵としてのクモ類の研究 : 3. オオヒメグモの生態
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A study was made on the distribution and population density of the spider, Theridion tepidariorum, which is well known as one of the natural enemies of pest insects, in various localities in Nagasaki Prefecture in 1966. The number of T. tepidariorum was observed over eight different kinds of environment : forests, paddy field, farms, caves, sewers, houses (urban and suburban) and cattle barns. Their population density was highest at the inside of animal sheds and houses, in which this spider was found abandantly in the barn, kitchen and latrine. The seasonal prevalene in the house and the breeding season in three stations were also surveyed throughout a year. The peak of the population density in the house was observed in June and July. Many egg-sacs were layed in the warm season from May to August with a marked peak in June and a few in the rest seasons. The mean frequency of oviposition per female in a whole life was 3.08 and the mean number of eggs per egg-sac was 347.1. The preys of this species were insect species belonging to the orders Blattaria, Dermaptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera, Mecoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera, Among them, many of the flies, chironomids (Diptera) and Blattaria were trapped by the web more frequently than any other insects.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1975-05-15
- ヒメスズメバチ Vespa tropica の刺傷によるアナフィラキシーショックの一例
- セアカゴケグモを中心としたクモ咬症と病害
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- Venoms : Chemistry and Molecular Biology T. Tu. Anthony, コロラド州立大学生化学教室, Wiley, New York, 1977, 560pp.
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- 27 カバキコマチグモ毒の物理, 化学, 生物学的性状
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- 衛生害虫の天敵としてのクモ類の研究 : 5. イエバエの天敵としてのクモの種類およびその捕食数の評価
- 76 数種の内外産の吸血性ヒルの走査電顕による研究 II Hirudo medicinalis & Hirudinaria manillensis
- 12 Chiracanthium japonicum (カバチコマチグモ)の鋏角の外観及び毒腺の組織学的研究
- わが国の有毒蜘蛛, カバキコマチグモ Chiracanthium japonicum Bosenberg et Strand, 1906 の病害と生態に関する研究 : 2. カバキコマチグモの生態
- わが国におけるアシダカグモの地理的分布
- 南西諸島の人家内にみられるクモ類
- わが国の有毒蜘蛛, カバキコマチグモ Chiracanthium japonicum の病害と生態に関する研究 : 1. カバキコマチグモ Chiracanthium japonicum による刺咬症の 11 症例について
- 衛生害虫の天敵としてのクモ類の研究 : 4. 畜舎とその周辺に生息するクモ類の生態
- クモ刺咬症の 10 例について
- 衛生害虫の天敵としてのクモ類の研究 : 3. オオヒメグモの生態
- 1 蜘蛛刺咬症 10 例の観察
- 衛生害虫の天敵としてのクモ類の研究 : 2. 長崎市の庭に棲息するクモ類の観察
- 衛生害虫の天敵としてのクモ類 : 1. 長崎県の家屋内に棲むクモ類の観察
- カバキコマチグモ毒の物理・化学・生物学的性状