研究開発型企業の技術経営 : 第3回年次学術大会
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The research of innovation process have recently been done vigorously. Bet most of them mainly intend to improve productivity of innovation process in a big company. The scientific research to solve how ``entrepreneurs'' manage risky R&D projects and succeed in enterprise management have hardly been done. The R&D process in a small or mediumsized company is very different from that in a big company in quality and quantity, therefore, innovation process in a small or medium-sized company probably differs from the models to have been suggested. 1. Keynote address The speaker introduces research movements about I) objects and ranges of technology management II) R&D intensive enterprise and its problems in Japan III) dynamics of managing and technological strategies. Then he suggests his new analytic model (resonance model). 2. Example reports The managers of five representative R&D intensive companies in Japan report I) managing and technological strategies II) organization of technology management III) institution and advance valuation of goal of R&D IV) R&D subjects to solve V) use of external resources, e.t.c. 3. Discussion Based on five examples, they discuss technology management through innovation process from each professional standpoint. Then following questions are suggested; How do we solve problems of innovation in the organization that is unspecialized like a small or medium-sized company and in which the administrative structure isn't systematically settled, do we need new dynamic models, and do these problems essentially suit modern scientific method? Three commentators show following suggestion. When we analyze innovation sociologically, we must forget why we analyze. We should consider what unspecialized organization implies. Now we should examine essential purposes of technology and consider technology ``for human life''. e.t.c
- 研究・技術計画学会の論文
- 1989-09-10
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- 研究開発型企業の技術経営 : 第3回年次学術大会
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