- 論文の詳細を見る
An attempt was made as to the epidermal system of both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of foliage in some species of Rhodoendron which has been scarcely investigated. Using our original method, an observation of wide scope can be made concerning the epidermal layers of leaves by the light microscope from the polar view. The epidermal cells of the adaxial surface are found to be amoeboid in shape in R. aureum, R. brachycarpum and R. makinoi, while those to be not amoeboid but polygon in shape in R. metternichii var. metternichii, R. metternichii var. hondoense, R. yakushimanum and R. degronianum. In R. brachycarpum, the epidermal system of the adaxial surface is observed to be 2-layers near midrib, but to become one layer at the margin of leaves. there is sporadically an aggregate of cells which are well stained by fuchsin. In R. aureum, the hair stalks which are multicellar are observed in the abaxial surface of leaves. In R. brachycarpum, the base of hairs is found to be 2 cells, while that in the other species examined to be 2-4 cells. Considering the unique mode of the distribution and the density in stomata and hairs, and the epidermal cells being elliptic polygon, R. yakushimanum is thought to be clearly distinguished from R. metternichii and R. degronianum.
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