判別指数(D-Index)の提案 : 臨床検査の測定誤差を比較する方法について
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Conventionally, the error in the laboratory test is estimated by Pearson's coefficient of variation (C.V.). It is, however, not reasonable to apply this coefficient to the comparison of errors of a laboratory test with those of anther. In order to compare more properly, a new index which we call Discrimination Index, a modified C.V., has been proposed. (I) Definition: Discrimination Index is given by a formula D-Index=1-(Se)/(Sg), where Se is an estimate of standard deviation (S.D.) of values related to an individual, that is, an estimate of S.D. of errors, and Sg is an estimate of S.D. of values of all the individuals forming a group examined. (II) Analysis of the formula: a) The 2nd term (Se)/(Sg) corrensponds to the error term (Se)/m in C.V., where m is the mean of observed values. b) When both the denominator and the numerator in the 2nd term are devided by m, the 2nd term becomes a ratio, C.V. of values related to an individual divided by C.V. of values related to all the individuals forming a group. c) The error term in this formula has a similar concept to that of coefficient of reliability by Rulon. d) The error term appears to be also similar to that of coefficient of reliability by Ebel, but it is different in that a ratio of variance of error to total variance is considered in Ebel's formula. Thus, this discrimination index has something in common with the coefficients of reliability mentioned above, and is thought to be more reasonable than the conventional coefficient of variance, and can be put into practical use.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
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