悪趣味展示 : 装飾製品美術館の「恐怖の部屋」
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The display of the "Examples of False Principles in Decoration", or the "Chamber of Horrors" as it was commonly known, was a unique attempt by the Department of Practical Art to educate the public how to appreciate the "true" or "good" taste by showing the "bad" examples at the Museum of Ornamental Art m 1852-3. It was closed because some manufacturers appealed that they did not want dictatorship in "taste" which could affect their sales. This display can be considered as a milestone in design history due to its modernity observable in the 20^<th> century arguments of "good" and "bad" design.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 2000-10-16
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- 悪趣味展示 : 装飾製品美術館の「恐怖の部屋」
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