ノルエピネフリン前駆アミノ酸, L-スレオードプスの医薬品開発
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threo-Dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS) is a synthetic amino acid which can be decarboxylated by L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase to yield natural form of norepinephrine (l-NE), a principal neurotransmitter in both central and peripheral (sympathetic) nervous systems. Like L-Dopa as an agent for dopamine precursor therapy, DOPS was expected to have a potential as an agent for NE precursor therapy. Previous studies carried out by several groups in early 1970s, however, reached a negative conclusion that threo-DOPS was not an effective precursor of NE in the brain because of its low NE-increasing activity and weak pharmacological action. Since the latter half of 1970s, on the contrary, three Japanese research groups have successfully shown the possibility of DOPS as a useful NE-precursor. That is, Tanaka (Kobe Univ.) showed that L-threo-DOPS is the real l-NE precursor among four DOPS-enantiomers, and that it has several pharmacological activities such as a slow-onset and long-lasting pressor effect, an inhibitory effect on harmaline-induced tremor and so on. Hayashi and Suzuki (Osaka Univ.) found through the mobidity study on familial amyloid polyneuropatchy (FAP) that the progress of the disease develops NE-deficiency (NE-D), that severe orthostatic hypotention in FAP might be due to NE-D, and that L-DOPS has favorable effects on this symptom. Narabayashi (Juntendo Univ.) found that NE-D develops in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD), that a freezing phenomenon in these patients might be associated with NE-D, and that L-DOPS improves the phenomenon. Based on these findings, the development of L-DOPS for registration had been undertaken by Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Co., and an approval was given to it in 1989 as an agent for the treatment orthostatic hypotention in FAP or Shy-Drager syndrome and freezing phenomenon in PD. Preclinical and clinical studies done in the R & D confirmed that L-DOPS markedly restored NE-D and improved related-syndrome in the NE-deficient animals/patients, and that its actions were slow-onset, long-lasting and gentle. The R & D of L-DOPS described in this paper includes studies on industrial production, efficacy pharmacology (mode of action), metabolism and clinical trial of this agent.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-11-25
林 昭
林 昭
鈴木 友和
田中 千賀子
神戸大学医学部 薬理
楢林 博太郎
Narabayashi Neurological Clinic
楢林 博太郎
勝部 純基
田中 千賀子
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