室内汚染空気の換気についてIII : 不均一な室内汚染空気の換気に関する理論式の考察(その2)
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The present investigation was undertaken to apply a theoretical method to the ventilation of the polluted air in rooms where carbon dioxide in rooms was not completely diffused. R is defined to be equal to C/C^^-, where C^^- and C are the average carbon dioxide concentration in a room and the carbon dioxide concentration near the ventilating opening, respectively. Assuming that the value of R depends only on time, the following difference equation can be obtained, R (t+h)=a^h R (t)+(1-a^h) b/(1-a) where a and b are constants (not equal to 0), and R (t+h) and R (t) refer to the value of R at the elapsed time (t+h) and t (hours), respectively. The linear relationship should be expected between R (t+h) and R (t), and really, in the case of room A (net capacity ; 19.66m^3) and room B (net capacity ; 688.94m^3), the following equations, R (t+h)=1.054 R (t)-0.084 correlation coefficient : 0.977 (h=10 min.), and R (t+h)=0.715 R (t)+0.111 correlation coefficient : 0.985 (h=10 min.) are obtained, respectively. Obtained values of constants a and b are discussed. Furthermore, applying the Fisher's orthogonal polynominal to these systems gives the following quadratic equations. R=0.937-0.38×10^<-2>t-0.8×10^<-5>t^2 (room A) R=0.977-1.46×10^<-2>t-9.9×10^<-5>t^2 (room B).
- 1967-08-30
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