Diterpenoids. XLII. Stereoselective Synthesis of d-Phyllocladene from l-Abietic Acid
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Stereoselective conversion of l-abietic acid (1) to d-phyllocladene (16) was achieved by the use of two carbon units of the isopropyl group in 1 for the formation of its D-ring. Catalytic hydrogenation of methyl 13-methoxycarbonylmethyl-7-oxopodocarpa-8,11,13-trien-15-oate (2), derived from 1,over ruthenium oxide, followed by oxidation, gave stereoselectively methyl 13β-methoxycarbonylmethyl-7-oxopodocarpan-15-oate (4), without loss of the 7-oxygen function. Although attempts of cyclization reaction of methyl 7-hydroxy-13β-(2'-hydroxyethyl)-podocarpan-15-oate (6) to methyl 15-hydroxy-7-oxo-17-norphyllocladan-18-oate (7) were fruitless, the formation of the D-ring from methyl 13β-carboxymethyl-7-oxopodocarpan-15-oate (5) was accomplished by polyphosphoric acid-AcOH treatment to give methyl 7,15-dioxo-17-norphyllocladan-18-oate (9) in high yield. Selective removal of the 7-oxygen function of 9,via monothioketalization, yielded methyl 15-oxo-17-norphyllocladan-18-oate (11), which was further converted to methyl 17-norphylloclad-15-en-18-oate (14). Hydroboration of 14,followed by oxidation, gave methyl 16-oxo-17-norphyllocladan-18-oate (15) accompanied with 11.
- 1976-06-25
田原 昭
Rikagaku Kenkyusho (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
嶋垣 正之
嶋垣 正之
Rikagaku Kenkyusho (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
- Diterpenoids. XXXV. A-Ring Substitution of Hydrofluorene Compound derived from l-Abietic Acid
- Diterpenoids. XXXIV. Stereochemistry on the Rearranged Compound (Benzilic Acid Rearrangement) of Methyl 6,7-Dioxo-5α, 10α-podocarpa-8,11,13-trien-15-oate
- Stereochemistry on the Rearranged Compound (Benzilic Acid Rearrangement) of Methyl 6,7-Dioxo-5α, 10α-podocarpa-8,11,13-trien-15-oate
- Diterpenoids. XVI. Reduction of 6β-Hydroxy-enantio-podocarpa-8,11,13-trien-16-oic Acid Derivative
- Synthesis of 6β Hydroxy-tetrahydro-and-hexahydroenantio-deoxypodocarpic Acid
- Diterpenoids. XIV. Conformational Studies. II. Preferred Conformation of A/B-cis Ring-C Aromatic Tricyclic Diterpenes
- Diterpenoids. IX. Chemical Conversion to Diterpene Alkaloid from Abietic Acid.
- Diterpenoids. VIII. Synthesis of Skeleton of Diterpene Alkaloid.
- Conformational Studies. I. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis on Conformation of 10β-and 10α-Oxy-enantio-deoxypodocarpic Acid Type Isomer.
- Diterpenoids. VII. Study on Catalytic Hydrogenations of Methyl 9-Oxo-10-hydroxypodocarpa-5,7,10,13-tetraen-16-oate Enantiomer Type Compounds
- Study on the Chemical Shifts for the Methyl Groups of Deoxypodocarpic Acid (Enantiomer) Type Compounds and Syntheses of their 10β-15 or 10α-17 Epoxy Derivatives
- Selective Oxidation of the C_1- or C_-Methyl Group in Antipodal Deoxypodocarpic Acid Type Compounds
- Diterpenoids. XLV. Ozonolysis of Phenolic Dehydroabietic Acid Derivatives
- Diterpenoids. XLI. Rearrangement of Deisopropyl Phenacylidene Type Diterpene by Means of Aluminum Chloride
- Diterpenoids. XXXVII. Rearrangement of Methyl 13-Isopropyl-7-oxo-podocarpa-5,8,11,13-tetraen-15-oate by Means of Aluminum Chloride
- Diterpenoids. XXX. Reaction of Methyl Dehydroabietate Derivatives with Aluminum Chloride under Effect of Electron-donating Group
- Diterpenoids. XXIX. Nitration of Methyl Dehydroabietate Derivatives
- Diterpenoids. XXVIII. Nitration of Methyl 7-Oxo-dehydroabietate Derivatives
- Novel Nitration Reaction of Methyl 7-Oxodehydroabietate
- P-28 酵素化学的炭素-炭素結合形成反応の開発と光学活性非糖質鍵中間体合成への応用(ポスター発表の部)
- Chemoenzymatic Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Leading to Non-carbohydrate Derivative. Stereoselective Synthesis of Pentamycin C-11-C-16 Fragment
- Diterpenoids. XII. Catalytic Hydrogenation of Δ^-and 6-Enol Acetoxyhydrofluorene Derivatives. A Synthesis of Hydrofluorene Derivatives (cis-A/B-Ring Fusion (α C_5-H))
- Diterpenoids. XI. A Synthesis of Hydrofluorene Derivatives (trans-A/B-Ring Fusion (β C_5-H))
- Diterpenoids. X. A Synthesis of c-Homohydrofluorene
- Diterpenoids. XLVI. Syntheses of Taxodione, Royleanone and Their Analogues
- 31 l-Abietic Acidよりd-Kaurene,d-Phyllocladene,l-Hibaeneの合成 : 13位Isopropyl基の変換
- Diterpenoids. XXXVI. Synthesis of d-Kaurene and d-Phyllocladene from l-Abietic Acid
- Transformation of l-Abietic Acid to Benzohydroazulene Derivative
- Highly syn-Selective Reduction of α-Phenylthio-β-methoxy Ketones with Super-hydride
- 32 Dehydroabietic AcidよりSteroid骨格の合成研究
- Diterpenoids. XLII. Stereoselective Synthesis of d-Phyllocladene from l-Abietic Acid
- Diterpenoids. XXXVIII. Conversion of l-Abietic Acid into Steroidal Skeletons : Formation of the D-Ring (1)
- Diterpenoids. XXVII. Synthesis of 11-Methoxy-diterpenoids. (2). Synthesis of 11-Methoxy-dehydroabietic Acid Derivatives
- Diterpenoids. XXVI. Synthesis of 11-Methoxy-diterpenoids. (1). Synthesis of Antipodal 11-Methoxy-deoxypodocarpic Acid Derivatives
- Diterpenoides. XXI. Hydration of Stereoisomers of Dimethyl 1,2,3,4,5,10,11,14-Octahydro-4β, 10α-dimethyl-fluorene-4α, 6-dicarboxylate
- Diterpenoids. XX. Nitration of Dimethyl 1,2,3,10-Tetrahydro-4β, 10α-dimethyl-4H-fluorene-4α, 6-dicarboxylate and Its Hydrogenated Stereoisomers
- Diterpenoids. XVII. Epimerization at Lactonization of 6β-Hydroxy-enantio-podocarpan (and 8-monoen-) 16-oic Acid (cis-and trans-B/C-ring Juncture) Syntheses of the Corresponding 6α-Hydroxy Series
- Lactonization of 6β-Hydroxy-tetrahydro-and-hexahydro-enantio-deoxypodocarpic Acid. Synthesis of 6α-Hydroxy-tetrahydro-and-hexahydro-enantio-deoxypodocarpic Acid
- Diterpenoids. XXV. Autoxidation of Styrene Type Compounds derived from l-Abietic Acid
- Diterpenoids. XXIV. Transformation of Podocarpic Acid Type Diterpene to B-Homo-C-nor-5β, 10α-podocarpan Skeleton
- Conversion of Dehydroabietic Acid into a Steroid Skeleton : Formation of the D-Ring. II
- Conversion of Dehydroabietic Acid into a Steroid Skeleton : Formation of the A-ring. III.
- Conversion of Dehydroabietic Acid into a Steroid Skeleton : Formation of the A-Ring. II
- Conversion of Dehydroabietic Acid into a Steroid Skeleton : Formation of the A-Ring. I
- Study on Synthesis of Antipodal Steroid
- Synthesis of Four Possible Isomers of 4β, 10-Dimethyl-1,2,3,4,5,10-hexahydrofluorene-4,6-dicarboxylic Acid Derivatives
- Transformation of Abietic Acid to the Hydrofluorene Derivatives