High Levels of Cholesteryl Esters, Progesterone and Estradiol in the Testis of Aging Male Fischer 344 Rats : Feminizing Leydig Cell Tumors
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The levels and fatty acid composition of cholesteryl esters (CEs), and the levels of steroid hormones in the testis of aging Fischer 344 (F344) rats were studied in comparison with those of 6-month-old rats without Leydig cell tumors (controls). The total lipid content in the testis increased as Leyding cell tumors developed : in 23-month-old rats, the content increased to five times higher than that of the controls. The CE level reached about 300 times higher than that of the controls and comprised 57.5% of the total lipid of the testis. The fatty acid composition of the CEs in the tumor compared to the normal tissue from the controls was characterized by a marked increase in 22 : 4 (n-6) and a decrease in 22 : 5 (n-6), a characteristic acid in rat testis lipids. Testicular progesterone levels considerably increased with the development of tumors (23-month-old rats, 2870 ng/wet wt; controls, 7 ng/g wet wt). Also, levels of estradiol showed striking increments (23-month-old rats, 2205 pg/g wet wt; controls, 153 pg/g wet wt). On the other hand, testosterone levels decreased (23-month-old rats, 13 ng/g wet wt; controls, 50 ng/g wet wt).These results suggest that Leydig cell tumors in aging F344 rats resemble the ovary tissue of rats in the levels and fatty acid composition of the CEs, and in the levels of steroid hormones. This is supported by the observation that the two kinds of cells found in the tumor tissue resemble cells of the corpus luteum and granulosa cells of the follicles, respectively, in the ovary of rats. In conclusion, the study shows that Leydig cell tumors in aging male F344 rats have a tendency towards feminization.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1991-02-25
山本 寛
岡田 洋二
小西 寛和
School of Health Sciences, Kyorin University
丘島 晴夫
School of Health Sciences, Kyorin University
岡田 洋二
School of Health Sciences, Kyorin University
山本 寛
School of Health Sciences, Kyorin University
深井 孝治
School of Health Sciences, Kyorin University
渡辺 宏
School of Health Sciences, Kyorin University
渡辺 宏
School Of Health Sciences Kyorin University
岡田 洋二
杏林大 保健
深井 孝治
小西 寛和
School Of Health Sciences Kyorin University
山本 寛
School Of Health Sciences Kyorin University
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- High Levels of Cholesteryl Esters, Progesterone and Estradiol in the Testis of Aging Male Fischer 344 Rats : Feminizing Leydig Cell Tumors
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