- 論文の詳細を見る
Hydrodynamical winds emanating from the surface of a geometrically thin disk are examined,including the self-gravity of the disk gas as well as the gravity of the central object.The self-gravitational field of the disk gas affects the transonic nature of the winds When only the gravitational field of the central object is considered and the self-gravitational field of the disk gas is ignored,the gravitational potential near the disk plane becomes flat.As a result,there appear center-type critical points in the vicinity of the disk plane and we cannot obtain the global transonic solutions that extend from the surface of the disk to infinity.On the other hand,when the self-gravitational field of the disk gas is taken into considerations,the gravitational potential near the disk plane is modified.Then in addition to center-type critical points,there appear saddle-type critical points in the vicinity of the disk plane,and we have the global transonic solutions.Very close to the disk surface,thus,the self-gravity of the disk gas is important for the existence of hydrodynamical winds from accretion disks.中心天体のまわりに回転している幾何学的に薄いガス円盤の表面から吹き出してくる風を,中心の天体の重力場だけでなく,円盤ガスの自己重力も考慮して調べた.円盤ガスの自己重力場は,風の遷音速的性質に大きく影響を与えることがわかった.中心の天体の重力場だけ考慮し円盤ガスの自己重力場を無視した場合には,円盤面近傍の重力ポテンシャルは平坦なものになる.その結果,太陽風などで存在する鞍点型の臨界点だけでなく,円盤面近傍に渦心点型の臨界点が現れ,円盤の表面から無限遠までつながる遷音速解が得られなくなる.一方,円盤ガスの自己重力場を考慮した場合,鞍点型の臨界点と渦心点型の臨界点に加え,さらに円盤面近くに,もう一つ,鞍点型の臨界点が現れる.その結果,円盤面から無限遠までつながる遷音速解が可能になる.このようなことから,円盤面のごく近傍では,円盤ガスの自己重力場は,円盤風の存在にとって重要な役割を果たしていると考えられる.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
福江 純
Astronomical Institute Osaka Kyoiku University
岡本 千勢
Mitsubishi Microcomputer Software Corporation
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