- 論文の詳細を見る
The stratum compactum of the corium of the tadpole of Rana catesbiana arises from the thin membrane which lies beneath the ectodermal epithelium at the early stages. The thin membrane appears along the ectodermal epithelium at about the same time as the spiracle is completed. It becomes thicker as the larva grows. The finely latticed fibers are noticed in the membranous layer, which subsequently develops into the lower layer of the stratum compactum, at the stage when the trunk is 1.15cm. long and the tail 1.5cm. long. When the larva has reached the stage when the trunk is 1.35cm. long and the tail 1.52cm. long, the fibers in the upper part of the fibrous layer grow sparse at a region near the dorsal portion of the flank. The upper layer of the stratum compactum derives from this region. When the trunk has been 1.5cm. long and the tail 1.8cm. long and the homispheric primordia of the hind legs have appeared, the stratum compactum separates itself from the epidermis at a region near the dorsal portion of the flank, followed by the development of the stratum spongiosum between them. Simultaneously with the development of the upper layer of the stratum compactum, the vertical fibers make their appearance. The thicker the stratum grows, the more numerous become the vertical fibers. It is a little while after the development of the stratum spongiosum that the hematoxylinophile granules appear in the upper layer of the stratum compactum.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1961-10-15
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