- 論文の詳細を見る
Corium of the trunk at the dorsal and ventral sides in tadpoles of Rana catesbiana shows the same structure as that of the lateral side reported previously. The thickness of Stratum compactum at the ventral region is thicker than that of the dorsal region. Stratum spongiosum and the upper layer of Stratum compactum disappear around the mouth, nostrill, eye, spiracle, tail and the hind limbs. Therefore, the lower layer of Stratum compactum comes in directly contact with the epidermis. The vertical fiber (the fiber passing vertically through the lower layer of Stratum compactum) passes through the upper layer of Stratum compactum and Stratum spongiosum, and it touches the basal membrane of the epidermis in the places where Stratum compactum contacts with the epidermis. The vertical fibers diminish less and less, in proportion to the lower layer of Stratum compactum, contacting with the epidermis, becoming thinner. Hematoxylinophile granules (blue stained granules with hematoxylin that are seen on the upper border of Stratum compactum) are seen at only place where Stratum spongiosum and the upper layer of Stratum compactum exist, and the boundary between them is remarkable.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1960-10-15
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