北海道におけるショウジョウバエの越冬に関する2, 3の観察
- 論文の詳細を見る
Very little has been known on the hibernation of drosophilid flies in Hokkaido. Some field and laboratory observations were carried out by the present writers with the hope of learning the behavior of flies during the winter time. Field observations made in the University Botanical Garden, Sapporo, have revealed that adults of Drosophila auraria A and B types, D. nipponica and Parascaptomyza disticha were found to servive during the winter time in the field by forming their own colonies, or independently in the surface of soil under the ferns or fallen leaves covered by snow. For experimental observations, a special wooden box was prepared in order to observe the behavior of drosophilid flies under low temperature. The box in which fourteen small bottles containing seven different species of Drosophila were set, was placed outdoors during a period from December, 1957 to April, 1958. The results of observations showed that the pupae of D. auraria type A (Sapporo strain) and D. nigromaculata (Akkeshi strain), and the adults of D. funebris (Rishiri strain) were able to survive through the winter, while some other species died in the course of the experiment. The two competitors, moulds (Aspergillus oryzae) and mites (Tyrophagus dimidiatus), were found to occur in the bottles used as containers of flies in this experiment.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1960-07-15
- 北海道の西南部, 大成村におけるショウジョウバエの分布と植物相の観察
- 北海道におけるショウジョウバエの越冬に関する2, 3の観察
- オホーツク海沿岸地方のショウジョウバエとその季節的消長(行動・生態学)
- ソロモン諸島のショウジョウバエ(分類・系統学)
- コフキヒメショウジョウバエ(Scaptomyza pallida)の2型について(II.北海道支部第20回大会)
- 北海道における果物トラツプによるシヨウジヨウバエの採集
- 初期春ニシン精巣の組織学的観察
- 北海道の猩々蠅とその分布(予報)(分類・動物地理・生態)
- オオショウジョウバエの自然集団における染色体異常
- Chromosomal polymorphism found in natural populations of Drosophila (a preliminary report)
- Further notes on the chromosomal polymorphism in natural populations of Drosophila in Hokkaido