- 論文の詳細を見る
Histological observations of the eye-stalk of Paralithodes camtschatica and P. brevipes revealed the occurrence of a remarkable glandular body of considerably large size. The glandular body consists of cylindrically arranged tissues which surround the bundle of nervus opticus, medulla externa, m. interna, and m. terminalis (Fig. 1, a). The glandular tissues are masses of large cells, numbering 10-20 in each mass. They are supported by the frame of connective tissues of membrane form (Fig. 2). The glandular body here concerned has never been recorded so far in the Crustacea. The secretory activity of the glandular cells was observed applying toluidin blue staining method and Mallory's triple staining technique. Also, for the demonstration of Golgi-substance and mitochondria, Da Fano's method and Regaud's treatment were applied respectively. The results of the observations with the above techniques showed that the secretory activity of the glandular cells was indicated by, i) dense accumulation of the Golgi-substance, ii) fine mitochondrial granules scattering in the cytoplasm, iii) appearance of mitochondria adhering the secretory granules, and iv) discharge of the secretory granules from cells. The cell bodies become empty following the discharge of the secretory granules, having no Golgi-substance, mitochondria, and nuclei. From the process of secretion it is suggested that these cells are of the category of holocrine. Nishida worked on the histology of the eye-stalk of Pandalus kessleri finding a glandular body (Fig. 1, b) which resembles that detected in the eye-stalk of Paralithodes. It was observed that there were no bodies corresponding to the so-called sinus gland and X-organ in the eye-stalk of Paralithodes. Evidence thus presented seems to allow the following suggestion that the glandular body of Paralithodes here concerned plays partially a role for the secretion of eye-stalk hormone.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1954-07-15
- フリーズ・エッチング法によるアメリカザリガニ腎臓細胞像(形態学)
- 綜合討論(形態学・分類学・原生動物学)
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- 大会委員長挨拶
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- ザリガニY腺細胞について(内分泌)
- ザリガニY腺細胞の細胞質構造について(内分泌・遺伝)
- ザリガニY腺微細構造の変化(内分泌)
- エクジステロンによって誘導されたザリガニY腺細胞微細構造の変化
- 脱皮周期に伴うザリガニ表皮細胞の形態的変化
- 高張環境水中に飼育したザリガニ腎臓微細構造の変化(生理・生化学)
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- カニ神経分泌細胞の細胞質内含有物(内分泌・生理)
- クリガニにおける神経分泌細胞の生体観察(形態学・分類学・原生動物学)
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- 數種の魚類の孵化腺細胞の核と孵化顆粒の關係について(細胞・形態・原生動物)