- 論文の詳細を見る
Morphological changes of the epidermal cells, which underlie the cuticle, were studied at various stages of the molt by electron microscopy. The length of the cells at intermolt (Drach's stage C) was half of that found at premolt (stage D) and postmolt (stage A). At the intermolt period the mitochondria were found to contain numerous dense bodies. These dense bodies were quite different from the usual varieties of the mitochondrial dense body described in textbooks. For it was observed that the mitochondrial dense bodies of the cuticular epidermal cells were formed by swelling of the mitochondrial cristae themselves. It was also observed that during the early premolt stage some constituents of the old cuticle were incorporated into the epidermal cells, and formed large heterogeneous granules. These heterogeneous granules were seen to diminish during the latter period of premolt as deposition of the new cuticle progressed.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1969-12-15
- フリーズ・エッチング法によるアメリカザリガニ腎臓細胞像(形態学)
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