骨のKineto-adaptationに關する實驗的研究 : 右腕切斷の骨の成長に及ぼす影響 : I 骨の大いさ及び重さの左右不相稱に就て
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As the material for the present study albino rats of ten days old were used, the right arm of which had been amputated at the beginning of the experiment at the elbow-joint, leaving the proximal part of the fore arm on the body. As the result of the operation the pressure brought by the body weight on the extremities on the operated side was lightened while it was increased abnormally on the normal i. e. unamputated side. So it is natural to consider that the attracting power (Zug-kraft) was in play on the operated fore leg. About four months after the operation, the rat was killed and preparation of its skeleton was next made by drying it in the room-temperature. Measurements were then taken of the scapula, clavicle, humerus, coxal bone as well as femur and tibia on each side. The effect of the modified activity on the growth of the bone was investigated by obtaining ratios between the measurement values on both sides (L/R). The following are some of the results obtained. 1. The growth of the bone was investigated by measuring its length as well as breadth. The effect of the modified activity was evident as for as breadth is concerned, but it was found very slight in the case of lenght (especially as in the clavicle) A. The measurements of the humerus breadth taken at the head, deltoid tuberosity and distal end showed an evidence of "use-hypertrophy" (disuse-atrophy) at every point (Fig. 3). B. In the humerus, scapula and clavicle the length showed a tendency to become a little longer on the operated than on the normal side (Fig. 1). This may be thought to be due to the attracting power in the humerus and to the inactivity caused by the operation, or in other words, the decrease in the pressure that acts along the direction of their longitudinal axes in the acapula and clavicle. 2. Taking the weight as the mass and considering the bone as a whole, it may be said that the effect of the activity on the mass is very much prononnced in the humerus, scapula and clavicle, for they showed more distinct "use-hypertrophy" ("disuse-atrophy") than in the case of the breadth of the humerus (Fig. 3). It is of interest to note that in general the clavicle is either small or absent and at the same time not positively active in running animals, and that the effect of the activity on its length is very small, although that on its mass is very remarkable, being next in its effect to the humerus in which it is the most remarkable. 3. There may be four processes or mechanisms at work in producing the modification. These are: 1) use-hypertrophy (Aktivitatshypertrophie); 2) disuse-atrophy (Inaktivitatsatrophie); 3) atrophy by pressures of a kind different from that which can be regarded as functional (Druck-atrophie); 4) hypertrophy due to liberation from (or diminution of) the pressure. 4. In the coxal bone, femur and tibia the effect of the modified activity is by no means evident in every measurement. Probably the degree of the operation made in this study is so slight as to cause any modification in the activity that affects the growth of the coxal bone and hind leg.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1941-10-15
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- 小山良修著, 醫學者生物學者用動物實驗學, 第一輯ラッテ, A5判洋布装, 本文92頁巻頭口繪1葉, 昭和16年10月, 厚生の日本社發行, 定價3圓
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