- 論文の詳細を見る
Applying J. S. Huxley's equation y=bx^α, the relative growth of various organs of albino rat (H. H. Donaldson's data, 1924) against body weight was investigated. It can be summarised as follows. 1. Organs treated in this paper are alimentary canal, lung, blood, testes, ovary, kidney, liver, heart, spleen, spinal cord, eye-balls, brain, hypophysis, suprarenal body, thyroid, stomach, pancreas and submaxillaries. 2. The growth ratios (α) of organs are not constant throughout the whole life of the rat, but they change from 1 time to 5 times according to the develpment. Moreover, changes of α-values happen within a period in which the body weight reaches 35g., and after that the growth ratios are constant except a few organs. And within that period the changes of the external forms of the body are accomplished (for example, ear opening, eye-opening and teeth eruption), and changes after that are ones that are concerned in the reproductive organ. The body weight ammounts to 35g. about 35 days after the birth and about that period the third molar erupts. 3. The α-values of brain, kidnies, suprarenal bodies, spleen, pancreas and reproductive organ are remarkably high for a little while after the birth when compared with those of the other organs. With a few exceptions the organs show positive allometry for a little while after the birth at least, but thyroid, lung, blood and hypophysis (♂) show negative allometry throughout the whole life. 4. In the reproductive organ the change of α-value coincides with the change of the functional activity and the external form. Generally it can be said that there exists a positive correlation between the morphological and functional aspects. 5. Organs which are situated near with each other and have similar function show the common characteristics in the growth phase, and therefore there exists a positive correlation between the morphological, functional and situational aspects.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1941-01-31
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