- 論文の詳細を見る
Local residents' awareness of Tokyo Bay is considered in this paper. We analyze the data obtained from a questionnaire survey based on a free response method. In the free response test respondents are asked to write freely what they associated with a stimulus phrase "Tokyo Bay". Response data obtained from two survey sites near Tokyo Bay are employed for the analysis. One of the sites is a rural area facing the bay in Kisarazu City, Chiba Prefecture. Another site is a residential area adjacent to a coastal industrial district in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture. In the former area where primal industries are fisheries, about 60 percent of respondents were fishery workers. In the latter one, on the other hand, about 45 percent of respondents were office-workers. For the analysis of the test we use the associated words which are meaningful and appeared with greater frequency. By examining the word data we attempt a comparison of the awareness of Tokyo Bay in these two areas which have different characteristics each other. In both of the survey areas respondents associate a variety of words concerning water pollution in Tokyo Bay. It is found, however, the images shown by those words are characteristic in each area. The word data of Kisarazu includes the words "death" and "red tide" which are considered to be associated by respondents' concerns about the effects of water pollution on fisheries. In the Kawasaki area, some words showing pollution directly, for example "dirty", are written with greater frequency than in Kisarazu. Respondents' concerns about fisheries and marine products are prominent in Kisarazu. Indeed, many words relating to fisheries and showing individual names of marine products are seen in the data of Kisarazu. Some of those words are also associated by respondents in Kawasaki. It indicates that respondents in both areas regard the value of Tokyo Bay as a place for fisheries. Respondents' other concerns in the two survey areas are the overcrowding of ships, the change of nature, industries, and development works. As for development works the words relating to reclamation and coastal industries are associated with greater frequency in Kawasaki. On the other hand respondents in Kisarazu seem to be more interested in the relation between the new road across Tokyo Bay and the change of the bay area.
- 日本海洋学会の論文
- 1997-08-05
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