- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1964, a Komatsu-Robbins tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) was used to drive a pressure tunnel of water plant for the first time in Japan, Since this first experience for TBM up to 1979, tunnels driven with TBM amount to 34 tunnels and 28km in their total length. The experiences on based the driving of TBM have indicated that the performance of TBM is obviously dependent on the geotechnical properties of rock formation, because they can find many case histories in which many troubles were caused by difficulties of rock formation. In this report, the authors discuss on the possibility of application of TBM for various rock formations and the effect of geotechnical properties on the performance of TBM, based on the experiences of operation of TBM in Japan. The geotechnical factors affecting the performance of TBM would be as follows; 1) rock stresses around the tunnel, 2)disconitinuities in rock formation, 3) strength and hardness of intact rock, 4) in situ strength of rock formation, and 5) rate of inflow of ground water. Most of rock formations where tunnels had been driven with TBM are included in the areas (I) in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, the abscissa in logarithm of the square of the index of the index of discontinuty k^2, and the ordinate is logarithm of the estimated in situ rock strength k^2・σ.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1981-06-30
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