- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes the whole process of rock failure under uniaxial compression in terms several indices of failure. The authors try to characterize the point of strength failure by means of the particular point of diagrams of indices, and to explain the difference between the modes of failure of two rock samples, i. e., Akiyoshi-limestone and Sanjome-andesite. The authors have used the stiffness testing machine (total stiffness=6.8×10^5kg/cm^2) which is stiffened by placing stiff bars parallel to the specimen. After the specimens were loaded to various stages of the failure process, the changes of the indices were measured. The important results obtained are as follows: (1) The permanent strain increases steadily up to the point of strength failure, and then increases rapidly after the strength failure. On the other hand, the elastic strain remains constant even after the strength failure until a macroscopic shear fracture plane appears. (2) Both the elastic strain energy and the energy loss increase steadily up to the point of strength failure. After the strength failure, the elastic strain energy decreases and the energy loss increases rapidly. Thus, the point of strength failure coincides with the follwing point ; (i) the point at which the elastic strain energy is maximum, and (ii) the point at which the rate of increase of energy loss is maximum. (3) Porosity increases early even before the strength failure. This suggests that the micro-fractures have initiated before the strength failure. (4) As the failure process proceeds. P-wave velocity in the direction of specimen axis decreases to the final value about 70% of that of the intact sample.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1974-05-15
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