横浜線東神奈川菊名間の線増工事における土質的諸問題 (施工の記録)
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The author was engaged in the construction of the Yokohama line, from Higashi-Kanagawa to Kikuna, in Japanese National Railways as the engineering assistant headman of the Higashi-Kanagawa construction division. The work was executed without a hitch at March `68, however there are some grate difficulties from the constructional point of view. They were very important problems for the division to carry out safely near the Tokaido line, the largest artery for Japanese transportation, and to administer the amount of construction. Provided that mentioned to pure engineering problems, they were cleared that there were some soil mechanical problems in considerable wait. The geology in this area consists of alluvial sand and mud, diluvial sand, mud and loam, and pleistcene sandy mudstone. There were such difficulties as to difine the length of piles, to give consideration for the consolidation settlement and excavation for the reaseon of existence of deep soft ground, drowned valley, water saturated sand strata and etc... In this paper the author describes above mentioned engineering geological problems and feelings on this on this division in a few words
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1968-09-01
- 46.大正6年3月の磐越西線松野隧道崩壊に関する文献・現地調査 : 渡邉貫『地質工学』中の記述から始まって(一般調査・環境地質(1),口頭発表)
- 温故知新 渡邊 貫の地質工学再考
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- 横浜線東神奈川菊名間の線増工事における土質的諸問題 (施工の記録)
- 1.温故知新 渡邊貫の地質工学再考(シンポジウム,地形工学の新たな展開-新潟県中越地震災害の実態を踏まえて-)
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