電子顕微鏡による頭足類墨汁の研究III : 超薄切片法による観察と結論
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The ink particles of Doryteuthis bleekeri have been observed by using ultrathin sectioning in order to reveal their internal fine structure. The results in the present examinaion showed that the ink particle was composed of two elements, that is the outer thin layer or sheath of about 20 mμ thickness and internal dense core. Although the identification of these elements could not be carried out, it is assumed that the outer layer may be an envelope and the internal core melanin itself. Taking all these results together with those described in the preceding two papers, it may be concluded that the high stability of the ink particles against various physical and chemical treatment and good dispersibility might be usuful for the other particle research, and that the severe contamination of the ink particles by electron bombardment may be suitable for contamination tests in electron microscopy and finally, that the ink particles consisting of two elements may contribute to their chemical studies, as the investigations of this material have hitherto been carried out without any distinction of their structural components.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1965-09-15
- 115.Bacillus属細菌のアノイリナーゼ作用について(第15回日本ビタミン学会大会研究発表要旨)
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