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Cholinergic substance was found in the pars nervosa of the bovine neurohpophysis, the caudal neurosecretory storage organ (urohypophysis) of marina and fresh water teleosts and the brain of the crayfish, according to the method described by Welsh with the isolated heart of Schizothaerus nuttalli (1943). The extract of bovine neural lobe, obtained by boiling the homogenate in acid, was treated with M/100 sodium thioglycolate in order to inactivate the neurohyphysial hormones therein, since the effect of neurohypophysial hormones on the heart beat of Schizothaerus was found to be antagonistic to that of acetylcholine. The extract of bovine neural lobe after this treatment contained the cholinergic substance. In the brain of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, the cholinergic substance was detected only in free form. The amount of total cholinergic substance in the brain of the crayfish kept in continuous illumination for 14 to 30 days was equivalent to 44±5.0μg acetylcholine chloride per gram tissue, and that of crayfish kept in the dark for the same periods was equivalent to 47±3.4μg per gram tissue. There is no significant difference between these two values. However, when the amounts are expressed as an equivalent amount of acetylcholine chloride per brain of one animal, they are significantly different (0.19±0.017μg per brain in light adapted animals and 0.27±0.015μg per brain in dark adapted animals). The application of the frog bladder assay method designed for neurohypophysial hormones to an extract of carp urohypophyses revealed that the urohypophysis did not contain detectable amount of neurohypophysial hormones (Fig. 3). In the carp urohypophysis the ratio of free to total cholinergic substance was approximately 1:2. The concentration of total cholinergic substance in the carp urohypophysis was 100 to 150 times that in its brain. The results of the incubation experiment of the carp urohypophysis homogenate with or without eserine indicated the presence of cholinesterase activity in the urohypophysis. The amount of cholinergic substance in the urohypophysis of fresh water teleosts was equivalent to 270±59μg acetylcholine chloride per gram tissue in the carp, Cyprinus carpio, 170±33 in the crucian carp, Carassius auratus, and 190 and 120 in the gold fish, Carassius auratus. In the marine teleosts, it was 33, 19 and 21μg per gram tissue in Hexagrammos otakii, Lateolabrax japonicus and Mylio macrocephalus, respetively. The substance is resistant to acids but not to alkalis. Eserine inhibited the action of the substance to the bivalve heart. We have reported for the pars nervosa and the median eminence of various vertebrates and for the urohypophysis of fish that the endings of the neurosecretory axons contain synaptic vesicles in addition to neurosecretory granules. It was true also for the crayfish brain. It contains neurosecretory axons containing synaptic vesicles and neurosecretory granules (Figs. 1 and 2). It is strongly suggested by the present investigation that the cholinergic substance found in the neurosecretory storoge-release organ is acetylcholine and localized in the synaptic vesicles. The role of acetylcholine in the secretion mechanism of the neurosecretory substance was discussed in this connection. This investigation was supported by Grant No. A3678 to H. Kobayashi from the U. S. Public Health Service.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1963-07-15
- 正中隆起上衣細胞の脳室液の吸収(内分泌学)
- 神経分泌系と通常神経細胞の同時染色
- スフィンゴミエリン特異的結合蛋白質 Lysenin
- 視床下部上皮細胞のペルオキシダーゼ吸収(内分泌・遺伝)
- 2. 脊椎動物の神経分泌機構(内分泌機構の進化)
- 脳室内に注入したPeroxidaseの上衣細胞による吸収(内分泌)
- 視床下部正中隆起の構造と機能
- 遺伝性尿崩症マウスの神経葉ホルモン(内分泌)
- 視床下部正中隆起と下垂体に存在する脳ペプチド
- 活性ペプチドと鳥類の飲水--特にアンギオテンシンを中心に
- 脊椎動物におけるアンギオテンシンIIによる飲水誘起作用(内分泌学)
- 続・魚の尾のホルモンを追って--構造決定への道のり
- 尾部下垂体ホルモンのウロテンシンIIと飲水について(内分泌学)
- ウズラにおけるLiClの飲水誘起について(内分泌学)
- エンケファリン, substance Pと飲水について(内分泌学)
- コイの尾部神経分泌系ホルモン, ウロテンシンIおよびIIの精製および一次構造決定(内分泌学)
- 生体アミンと視床下部-下垂体機能 (生理活性アミンと生体制御--受容体・生理・病理) -- (生理活性アミンの生理作用)
- アンギオテンシンIIによる飲水誘起の生物学的意義(内分泌学)
- 飲水行動の系統発生学的アプロ-チ (行動-1-) -- (摂食・飲水行動)
- 脊椎動物におけるLHRHの脳内分布〔英文〕
- 生殖機能と脳・中枢神経系 (性-1-) -- (性機能の成熟)
- 水飲み行動とホルモン--その機構と生態的系統発生的考察
- 魚の尾のホルモンを追って
- アンジオテンシンIIによる飲水誘起現象の進化(内分泌)
- アンギオテンシンIIの飲水行動誘起に関与する作用部位について(内分泌)
- ウズラ脳弓下器官の微細構造(内分泌)
- 正中隆起上衣細胞の機能(内分泌学)
- 三浦半島油壺におけるクサフグ, Fugu niphobles (Jordan et Snyder) の産卵についてII
- 日本比較内分泌学会設立30周年によせて
- 鯉の尾部下垂体の血圧降下物質の性質(内分泌・遺伝)
- 鯉の尾部下垂体の血圧降下物質(内分泌)
- 鯉の尾部下垂体の血圧降下物質の精製(内分泌・遺伝・細胞)
- 鯉の尾部下垂体の血圧降下物質の顆粒(内分泌・遺伝・細胞)
- 視床下部正中隆起の機能と定義(内分泌・遺伝・細胞)
- 硬骨魚類の尾部下垂体に認められる血圧降下物質(内分泌・生化学)
- 神経分泌細胞軸索にみられるシナプス(予報)
- Effects of intracranially implanted cholecystokinin and substance P on serum concentrations of gonadotropins,prolactin and thyroid stimulating hormone in the rat
- 三浦半島油壺におけるクサフグ, Fugu niphobles (Jordan et Snyder)の産卵についてI.
- プロラクチンの比較生理 (プロラクチン)
- 正中隆起上衣細胞の走査型電子顕微鏡による観察(内分泌学)
- カテコールアミンと生殖腺刺激ホルモンの分泌(内分泌)
- イソメクラウナギの視床下部正中隆起の発見(内分泌・遺伝)
- ライセニンという新しい蛋白質
- スフィンゴミエリンの系統的分布 : スフィンゴミエリン結合蛋白質ライセニンを用いた解析
- シマミミズの生物活性蛋白質,ライセニン (生物間の攻撃と防御の蛋白質--毒素と生物間相互作用を見直す) -- (第3部 いろいろな動物の攻撃毒)
- ライセニンをめぐる比較生物学
- シマミミズから発見された生物活性タンパク質ライセニン
- 視索前野にアンギオテンシンを注射した時に誘起される飲水行動におけるモノアミン性神経の役割(内分泌学)
- 鳥の飲水行動とホルモン
- 神経分泌 (神経生化学) -- (シナプス)
- Endothelin A receptor-like immunoreactivity on the basal infoldings of rat renal tubules and collecting ducts
- Extensive Distribution of Galanin-Immunoreactive Neuronal Systems in a Fresh Water Snail, Indoplanorbis exustus, and Partial Coexistence with Choline Acetyltransferase-like Immunoreactivity
- 飲水行動誘起に関与する神経機構と生理活性ペプチド
- 正中隆起上衣細胞の吸収機能とモノアミン性神経(内分泌学)
- 鳥類正中隆起部に含まれるホルモン物質
- 比較内分泌学会及び学会などについて (2)
- 比較内分泌学及び学会などについて (1)
- 視床下部正中隆起に存在するモノアミンの生理作用(内分泌・生化学)
- 神経性脳下垂体正中隆起部にある神経軸索末端中の顆粒群の性質(形態・内分泌)
- 神経分泌物質貯臓器官とアセチルコリン
- ハゼClevelandia ios の幼魚の視床下部 : 脳下垂体神経分泌系に対する脳下垂体摘出と海水の塩分濃度変化の影響
- 魚類の尾部神経分泌系
- ヌタウナギの季節的移動(内分泌)