- 論文の詳細を見る
The neurohypophysial hormone activities of the extracts of pigeon median eminence region and posterior lobe were assayed with the rat uterus method and Sawyer's frog bladder method in vitro. The median eminence region possessed 1/35 rat uterus and 1/20 frog bladder activities of the posterior lobe. The ratio of the frog bladder activity to the rat uterus activity (in the Ringer's solution without Mg) was about 200 in the median eminence extract and about 160 in the posterior lobe extract. The former ratio coincides with the ratio obtained by Sawyer (1960) who used synthetic arginine vasotocin. The latter ratio is also similar to that of chick posterior lobe extract which represents the existance of both arginine vasotocin and oxytocin (Munsick et al., 1960). These findings suggest that the pigeon median eminence contains arginine vasotocin or a substance similar to it, and the pigeon posterior lobe contains both arginine vasotocin and oxytocin. The treatment with sodium thioglycolate nullified the rat uterus activity of both posterior lobe and median eminence region extracts. This fact also supports the assumption that the median eminence contains arginine vasotocin-like substance. Administration of 0.5 M NaCl solution to the pigeon as drinking water reduced the frog bladder activity of the posterior lobe to 1/8 that of normal level (from 60±9.6 units per individual to 7.2±0.37). However, the frog bladder activity of the median eminence of the same birds did not show any difference between normal control and salt water-treated birds. Exposure of the male wild duck, Anas platyrhyncos platyrhyncos, to long daily photoperiods (20 hours illumination a day) caused a significant decrease in the frog bladder activity of the median eminence region (14±1.5 units per individual in normal birds; 7.6±0.74 in long day birds) and a marked increase of the testicular weight (0.12±0.027 g in normal birds; 1.1±0.77 g in long day birds). However, the longday treatment did not affect the frog bladder activity of the posterior lobe of the male wild ducks. These experiments clarify the fact that the controlling mechanism of neurosecretion is independent of each other in the median eminence and the posterior lobe. The results of these experiments suggest that the arginine vasotocin-like substance may have some relationship to the hypothetical substance which is involved in the secretion of the gonadotrophin. This investigation was supported in part by Grant A-3678 from the United States Public Health Service to H. Kobayashi. and also by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Japan.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1962-06-15
- 神経分泌系と通常神経細胞の同時染色
- 成熟したシロサケの体液の組成およびコルチゾル量の淡水適応にともなう変化(内分泌学)
- 視床下部上皮細胞のペルオキシダーゼ吸収(内分泌・遺伝)
- 2. 脊椎動物の神経分泌機構(内分泌機構の進化)
- 脳室内に注入したPeroxidaseの上衣細胞による吸収(内分泌)
- 視床下部正中隆起の構造と機能
- 遺伝性尿崩症マウスの神経葉ホルモン(内分泌)
- 三浦半島油壺におけるクサフグ, Fugu niphobles (Jordan et Snyder) の産卵についてII
- 鯉の尾部下垂体の血圧降下物質の性質(内分泌・遺伝)
- 鯉の尾部下垂体の血圧降下物質(内分泌)
- 鯉の尾部下垂体の血圧降下物質の精製(内分泌・遺伝・細胞)
- 鯉の尾部下垂体の血圧降下物質の顆粒(内分泌・遺伝・細胞)
- 視床下部正中隆起の機能と定義(内分泌・遺伝・細胞)
- 硬骨魚類の尾部下垂体に認められる血圧降下物質(内分泌・生化学)
- 神経分泌細胞軸索にみられるシナプス(予報)
- G. 「魚類を分析機器とみなした水質の査定」
- G. 「狭塩性海水魚類の鰓塩類細胞に関わる組織学的研究」
- 新年にあたって
- シロサケ・プロオピオコルチンアミノ末端ペプチド(NPP)の生物活性(内分泌学)
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- アユの浸透圧調節とプロラクチン(内分泌学)
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- 魚類の鰓の水透過性と塩類細胞(内分泌学)
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- シロサケ稚魚の海水適応能と甲状腺ホルモン(内分泌学)
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- 魚類の浸透圧調節機構に関する生理学的研究
- ウナギの腎機能におよぼす各種ホルモンの影響(内分泌学)
- 海洋生物学はいま (海洋科学の振興--いま,なぜ) -- (21世紀へ向けて海洋科学--他領域への波及効果)
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- 三浦半島油壺におけるクサフグ, Fugu niphobles (Jordan et Snyder)の産卵についてI.
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- ハワイ大学海洋生物学研究所
- カレイ膀胱の水透過性とプロラクチン(内分泌学)
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- 魚類尾部下垂体の血圧上昇物質(生理・生化学)
- ウナギの海水適応と内分泌系II. : えらにおけるNaイオンの排出機構と脳下垂体除去の影響(発生・内分泌)
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- 視床下部正中隆起に存在するモノアミンの生理作用(内分泌・生化学)
- 神経分泌物質貯臓器官とアセチルコリン
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- 魚類の尾部神経分泌系
- ヌタウナギの季節的移動(内分泌)