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Testicular structure was examined histologically and histochemically throughout the year in relation to the development of sexual character. The activity of ⊿^5-3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was demonstrated in pericystic cells surrounding cysts containing spermatozoa, those surrounding the cysts after spermiation, and those surrounding the glandular tissue. The enzyme activity increased greatly when the glandular tissue was formed. The glandular tissue was observable from October to June, markedly in autumn and spring, and sexual character was well-developed during these months. The breeding season of newts in the present habitat (Murakami, Niigata Prefecture) is from April to June. Neptial color disappeared and the cloacal glands were atrophic in summer. In mid-September, nuptial color appeared again and the cloacal glands began to develop in spite of the absence of glandular tissue. The development of the male sexual character must be induced by androgens secreted from pericystic cells surrounding cysts containing spermatozoa which are formed in summer.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1979-09-25
- トノサマガエルの性成熟過程における精巣組織の変化
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