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Using second-year male frogs of Rana nigromaculata, changes in testicular structure in the process of sexual maturation were examined using light- and electron-microscopy. Histochemical detection of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) in the testicular tissues and radiommunoassay for the determination of androgen in the serum were also performed. In early May, most reproductive cells in the seminiferous tubules were at the primary spermatogonial stage, and spermatogenesis began in the middle of May. By the beginning of October, the spermatozoa comprised over 60% of all the reproductive cells seen within the seminiferous tubules. In the interstitial cells, ultrastructure characteristics of the steroid-producing cells were hardly observed in May, June, and July, but were clearly seen at the beginning of October. Androgen levels in the serum were low from the middle of June to the end of August, but increased clearly in September, and were considerably higher at the beginning of October. The change in androgen levels mentioned above was parallel with ultrastructure and 3β-HSD activity in the interstitial cells. In connection with the above-mentioned results, the developmental mode of the thumb pad became reasonably understood. That is, the thumb pad was not observed at all until July, recognized histologically in August, and remarkably developed at the beginning of October. Androgen levels in immature frogs collected in the middle of May were about twelvefold higher than those in mature frogs collected at the beginning of October. It seems, however, that the "androgen" detected in the serum of spring immature frogs is not active in inducing the development of male sexual characters and is produced by organs other than the testis.
- 1981-03-25
- トノサマガエルの性成熟過程における精巣組織の変化
- トノサマガエルの性成熟にともなう雄性ホルモンの産生と血中濃度の変化(内分泌学)
- 雄トノサマガエルの成熟過程の組織学的, 電顕的観察(内分泌学)
- 蛙における精巣卵の出現率
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- イモリの精巣の組織構造と性徴の周年変化
- ハコネサンショウウオの発生段階図表
- 生殖腺刺激ホルモン投与によるハコネサンショウウオの産卵誘発
- 各種ゴナドトロピンに対する幼若トノサマガエルの生殖腺の反応(内分泌学)
- トノサマガエルの生殖腺の性分化時における生殖細胞数の性差(発生学)
- トノサマガエルの雄生殖腺の発生, 特に生殖細胞の分化について(形態)
- 幼若イモリの排出腔周辺諸気管および生殖輸管の発達に及ぼす性ホルモン投与の効果
- 幼若ニホンアカガエルの生殖腺および性徴発達に及ぼす性ホルモン投与の効果
- トノサマガエル精巣組織の周年変化, 特に精巣卵の消長について(細胞・形態)
- トノサマガエルにおける精巣卵発生率の人為的変更(発生・内分泌)
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