Multi-Channel High T_c SQUID (Special Section on Superconducting Devices)
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A multi-channel high temperature superconducting interference device (high T_c SQUID) system with high magnetic field resolution has been developed. Step edge junctions were employed as weakly coupled Josephson junctions for the SQUID. These junctions worked well and their I-V curves fit the resistively shunted junction (RSJ) model. The SQUID design was investigated to improve magnetic field resolution. The size of the SQUID's center hole was investigated, and we found the optimized size of the hole to be about 25 μm. Meissner effect of superconductor was used in order to concentrate magnetic fluxes. A large washer SQUID and a flux concentrating plate was developed to concentrate magnetic flux to the SQUID center hole. The magnetic field resolution became 370 fT/√<Hz> at 10 Hz and 220 fT/√<Hz> at 10 kHz. This field resolution was enough to detect biomagnetic signals such as magnetocardiac signals. The SQUID was mounted on a special chip carrier and was sealed with epoxy resin for protection from humidity. We have designed and developed a 4-channel and a 16-channel high T_c SQUID system. We used them in a magnetically shielded room to measure magnetic signals of the human heart. We obtained clear multi-channel magnetocardiac signals, which showed clear so called QRS and T wave peaks. A clear isofield contour map of magnetocardiac signals was also obtained. These data indicated that high T_c SQUID is feasible for these biomagnetic applications.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1994-08-25
Itozaki Hideo
Superconducting Sensor Laboratory Itami Laboratory
Kado Hisashi
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Tanaka S
Superconducting Sensor Laboratory Itami Laboratory
Itozaki Hideo
the Superconducting Sensor Laboratory, Itami Laboratory
Tanaka Saburo
the Superconducting Sensor Laboratory, Itami Laboratory
Nagaishi Tatsuoki
the Sumitomo Electric Industries, Itami Research Laboratory
Kado H
Applied Electronic Laboratory Kanazawa Institute Of Technology
Kado Hisashi
Electrotechnical Laboratory Agency Of Industrial Science And Technology
Itozaki H
Sumitomo Electric Ind. Ltd. Itami‐shi Jpn
Itozaki Hideo
Superconducting Sensor Laboratory
Kado H
Superconducting Sensor Laboratory:(present Address) Tokyo Office Of Human Information System Laborat
Nagaishi T
The Author Is With Sumitomo Electric Hightechs Co. Ltd.
Nagaishi T
System & Electronic Equipment Division Sumitomo Electric Hightechs Co. Ltd.
Kado Hisashi
Applied Electronic Laboratory Kanazawa Institute Of Technology
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