Efficient Algorithm for the Reliability of a 2-Dimensional Cylindrical k-within-Consecutive-(r, s)-out-of-(m, n):F System(Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis)
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A 2-dimensional cylindrical k-within-consecutive-(r, s)-out-of-(m, n):F system consists of m × n components arranged on a cylindrical grid. Each of m circles has n components, and this system fails if and only if there exists a grid of size r×s within which at least k components are failed. This system may be used into reliability models of "Feelers for measuring temperature on reaction chamber[2]," "TFT Liquid Crystal Display system with 360 degree wide area" [10] and others. In this paper, first, we propose an efficient algorithm for the reliability of a 2-dimensional cylindrical k-within-consecutive-(r, s)-out-of-(m, n):F system. The feature of this algorithm is calculating their system reliabilities with shorter computing time and smaller memory size than Akiba and Yamamoto [10]. Next, we show some numerical examples so that our proposed algorithm is more effective than Akiba and Yamamoto [10] for systems with large n.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2004-05-01
Akiba Tomoaki
Yamagata Coll. Of Ind. & Technol. Yamagata‐shi Jpn
Akiba T
Department Of Information Management Engineering Yamagata College Of Industry & Technology
Akiba Tomoaki
Information Management Engineering Yamagata College Of Industry And Technology
Yamamoto Hisashi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
AKIBA Tomoaki
Department of Information Management Engineering, Yamagata College of Industry & Technology
Yamamoto Hisashi
Department Applied Chemistry Nagoya University
Yamamoto Hisashi
Department Of Production Information And Systems Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Technol
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