ハーブのBacillus subtilisおよびEscherichia coliに対する抗細菌作用
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The antibacterial activity of various herb extracts against Bacillus subtilis PCI 219 and Escherichia coli NIHJ was investigated by the paper disk method. Methanol or acetone extracts of curryplant, strawflower, costmary, and feverfew showed antibacterial activity against both these bacteria. In particular, the antibacterial activity of the methanol extract of curryplant was about 300μg/g of sample against B. subtilis and 80μg/g of sample against E. coli corresponding to streptomycin, and of costmary was about 240μg/g of sample against E. coli corresponding to streptomycin. These herbs which belong to the Helichrysum genus and Chrysanthemum genus of Compositae seemed to contain strong antibacterial compounds. It is expected that the antibacterial activity of curryplant was not derived from its curry-like flavor compounds. Curryplant and strawflower also showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus K97-1, with curryplant showing the highest activity among these Compositae herbs.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2001-01-15
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