- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of adding new types of commercial sweeteners on the physical properties of apple jam were investigated and compared with the addition of sugar. Jam samples were prepared by these sweeteners instead of sugar. The texture (hardness, adhesion, cohesiveness, agglutination, and elasticity) of the jam trade with lactoligosaccharide showed the nearest properties to those of the jam made with sugar when evaluated by a rheometer. The pH value of samples was in the range 3.3-3.6. The most hygroscopic jam was that made with D-sorbit, and the least was with erythritol, although there was little difference. No microorganic growth was apparent on any of the samples. The only sample that exhibited crystallization after storage for 30 days at 5 and 20℃ was that made with erythitol. A sensory test conducted by the balanced incomplete block design showed no significant difference in the overall evaluation of the samples.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1999-02-15
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