- 論文の詳細を見る
Changes of physical properties of nylon 6 woven fabrics dyed with disperse dye were studied for crease recovery, bending resistance (JIS), surface roughness and sensory evaluation. As for crease recovery, untreated fabric had the highest of all, followed by blank-dyeing (control), dyed fabrics. The decrease of fabric crease recovery by dyeing and blank-dyeing was due to a decrease in the tensile recovery of the yarn. Bending resistance and the frictional coefficient increased and surface roughness was disordered in dyed and control fabrics. Ths tendency of the dyed fabric was stronger than that of the control. It was thought that the increase of bending resistance was because of the fiber compacted in the fabric structure by shrinkage of the fabrics. This phenomenon corresponds to the disorder of the surface roughness and the increase in the frictional coefficient of dyed and control fabrics. A fairly high correspondence with the above mentioned tendency was seen in the sensory evaluation. In addition, it was found that changes in the physical properties of nylon 6 fabrics by dyeing processing were perceiveable by human touch.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1997-01-15
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