Cytochemical demonstration of K-pNPPase activity using cerium as capture reagent.
Seguchi H.
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Kochi Medical School
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Sch. Med. Keio Univ.
Okada T.
Dept. of Biophys., Fac. of Sci., Kyoto Univ.
Seguchi H.
Dept. Anat., Kochi Med. Sch.
Okada Teruhiko
Dep. Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Kochi Univ. Fac. Of Medicine
- 解剖学会の正しい発展に向けて一理事会からの回答に対する我々の見解一
- P-39-A Effects of Okadaic Acid on Apoptosis in Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages
- A-8 肝細胞におけるEcto-ATPaseの局在(消化器,一般演題(口演発表),第42回 日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- S1-2 ヒト好中球における活性酸素産生系の細胞化学的考察(活性酸素の細胞化学と分子生物学,シンポジウム1,第41回 日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- P I-55 ヒト好中球におけるCCDカメラによる活性酸素産生顆粒の検出法
- P I-20 血管条辺縁細胞のendocytosisにおけるモネンシンの影響
- ヒトの好中球におけるホルミルペプチドによる分泌顆粒放出,活性酸素産生と走化性に及ぼすレバミピドの影響
- A-11 モルモット内耳血管条辺縁細胞におけるCF取り込みの細胞内制御機構
- リポポリサッカライド刺激後のラット肺に集積した好中球におけるアルカリ性ホスファターゼ活性の局在について
- B-29 Alkaline Phosphatase-Containing Granules are the Site of Superoxide Production in Human Neutrophils
- IIC-O69 PMA刺激時の好中球における細胞内顆粒の動態に及ぼすOkadaic acidの作用
- IC-O19 Ecto-ATPase活性のセリウム塩による組織細胞化学的検出法の検討
- I-B-O-25 Tripanosoma cruzi感染マウス心筋組織における酸性ホスファターゼ活性の局在について
- I-B-O-20 セリウム塩を捕捉剤としたCa-ATPase活性の組織化学的検出法の検討
- P-52 ヒトの好中球におけるアルカリ性ホスファターゼ活性陽性顆粒の動態制御
- O-41 ラット膀胱移行上皮における Acid phosphatase とTrimetaphosphatase活性の重複検出について
- P-23 膀胱移行上皮表層細胞のライソゾームについて : HRP標識紡錘形空胞の運命
- ID-11 モルモット組織のTrimetaphosphatase
- IA-10 TMPase活性を有する管状ライソゾームについて
- IIB-33 イヌ膵臓の K-nitrophenl phosphatase 活性の局在について
- P-3 ラット脳脈絡叢のセリウム塩法によるp-NPPase活性の局在について
- 免疫療法 (免疫について)
- 第6回アジア・太平洋電子顕微鏡学会議報告
- I-C-27 ラット内リンパ嚢の微細構造(脈管,一般演題 ポスター発表,第45回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- 5.放射線治療が肺癌の腫瘍局所免疫反応と細胞外マトリックスに及ぼす影響と治療効果・予後 : 第33回 日本肺癌学会中国四国支部会
- 100. Application of Cryopreserved Human Sperm on AIH
- ウサギ膀胱移行上皮における細胞骨格(actin,cytokeratin,microtubles)について
- 全身照射マウス肝におけるアポトーシス発現の経時的変化
- 御挨拶(第41回 日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- 第15回国際解剖学会議報告
- 酵素組織化学
- B-33 Rat Atrial Myocytes Exhibit Ouabain-Insensitive, K^+-Dependent p-NPPase Activity
- 金属塩を用いた酵素組織化学の原理と方法 : 電顕的酵素組織化学
- Actin and Cytokeratin in Superficial Transitional Epithelial Cells of the Rabbit Urinary Bladder : A Confocal and Electron Microscopic Study
- 110. A Study on Relationship of Uterine Anomaly to Infertility
- 403. Efficacy of, New MECA Therapy in High Risk Choriocarcinoma
- 321 Chronic Daily Low-dose Administration of Oral Etoposide in Advanced Epitherial Ovarian Cancer.
- 365 Prognostic significance of the DNA content of uterine corpus cancer.
- 71 Characteristics of localization of human papillomavirus DNA and expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in cervical cancer.
- 254. Clinical Usefulness of Combination Assay and Discriminant Analysis Using the Values of CA125, TPA, Ferritin, CEA, AFP and PPA in Patients with Gynecological Malignant Diseases
- 11. The Delivery of the Patient with LDH M Subunit Deficiency
- 72.Placental Plasminogen Activator and Placental Urokinase Inhibitor in the Toxemia of Pregnancy : XII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(III)
- 120.The Role of Inhibition of Urinary Fibrinolysis in Toxemic Pregnant Women : XX Hematology(I)
- 97.Cytotoxicity of T Lymphocytes from a Patient with Choriocarcinoma to Autologous Tumor Cultured Cells : XVI Immunology(I)
- I-C-27 Ultarstructure of the endolymphatic sac of the rat(THE 45TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CYTOCHEMISTRY)
- Endocytosis in the Epithelial Cells of the Endolymphatic Sac
- The localization of ecto-ATPase in the rat liver
- Expression of the bile salt export pump and multidrug resistance protein 2 in liver development
- A-7 Expression of the bile salt export pump and multidrug resistance protein 2 in liver development
- Detection of Oxidant-Producing Intracellular Compartments in Human Neutrophils Using a CCD Camera System
- The effect of monensin in the endocytosis of marginal cells of the stria vascularis.
- P-10 Visualization of the ecto-ATPase reaction product using correlated light and electron microscopy
- A-11 Regulation of the Cationized Ferritin Endocytosis in the Marginal Cells of the Guinea Pig Stria Vascularis
- Diethyl Pyrocarbonate Is an Inhibitor of Cardiac, Intestinal and Renal Ecto-ATPase
- Phenylarsine Oxide Modulates Intracellular Dynamics of Alkaline Phosphatase-Containing Granules in Human Neutrophils Stimulated with Phorbol Myristate Acetate or IgG-coated Latex Beads
- セリウム塩による酵素組織細胞化学 (6 酵素組織化学)
- 28a-H-1 Influence of Crystal Temperature on the PX Radiation Intensity
- 3a-KB-10 Pion Absorption by Nuclei at Reat
- 3a-KB-9 Pion Absorption by Nuclet
- 3a SA-11 πμ Channel at KEK 12GeV Synchrotron [2]
- 31a-AG-6 Magnetic Moments of the Negative-Parity Isomeric States in ^Pb
- 178 Prediction of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) with pulsed Doppler method and correlation between placental small arteries and IUGR.
- 429. Measurements of Sperm DNA by Flow Cytometry and Sperm Selection
- 125. Investigation on the Immunological Activities and Releasing Mechanisms of Early Pregnancy Factor
- 329. The Effects of Sex Steroids on Hemorheology during Pregnancy
- 100 Studies on the localization and the origin of the blood coagulation factor XIII subunit A (XIIIA) of the secretory phase endometrium and the placenta.
- 80 Studies on the localization of adhesive proteins of the endometrium under various coditions.
- 155 A case of maternal death due to fluminant hepatic failure : acute lymphocytic leukemia in pregnancy.
- 76 Studies on the localization of adhesive factors at the site of implantation in the early pregnancy.
- 537 Changes in plasma PAI 1, PAI 2 and tPA antigen in normal pregnant and preeclamptic pregnant women.
- 535 Study on the hypercoagulability during pregnancy.
- 38 A report of peripartum course in a patient with congenital factor XII deficiency.
- 364 Protein C inhibitor and its complex in normal pregnant and preeclamptic pregnant plasma.
- 95 Diagnosis of amniotic embolism by using the fluorescent characteristic of coproporphyrin, a component of fetal urine.
- 472. The Relationship between Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) and Proliferation of Uterine Smooth Muscle Cells : Immunohistochemical Study
- 308. Clinical Significance of Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor (UTI) in Amniotic Fluid
- 253. The Usefulness of Placental Plasminogen Activator (PPA) as a Marker Protein of Malignant Tumors
- 146. Significance of Urinary Meconium Index (UMI) in Diagnosis of Amniotic Fluid Embolism
- A-8 Ultracytochemical identification of superoxide producing sites in human monocytes
- A8 Ultracytochemical identification of superoxide producing sites in human monocytes
- ABNORMALITIES OF GLUCOSE HOMEOSTASIS IN THE GROWTHRETARTED MOUSE(Endocrinology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- P II-53 Lipopolysaccharide modulates ecto-ATP-diphosphohydrolase activity of rat liver
- Lipopolysaccharide modulates ecto-ATP-diphosphohydrolase activity of rat liver
- Enzyme Cytochemical Study on the Fate of the Asymmetric Unit Membrane of the Superficial Cell in the Transitional Epithelium of the Rat Urinary Bladder.
- Lysosomal Dynamics in Relation to Fusiform Vesicles Marked with HRP in Superficial Cells of the Transitional Epithelium of Rat Urinary Bladder
- Tubular Lysosomes with TMPase Activity
- Localization of K-nitrophenyl Phosphatase Activity in the Dog Pancreas
- Localization of p-Nitrophenyl Phosphatase Activity in Rat Choroid Plexus by Cerium-based Cytochemical Method
- Biochemical and Cytochemical Study of Trimetaphosphatase in Guinea Pig Tissues
- 160 Effect of leupeptin on the lysosomes in the cultured fibroblasts.
- 148 Cytochemical demonstration of K-pNPPase activity using cerium as capture reagent.
- Effect of leupeptin on the lysosomes in the cultured fibroblasts.
- Cytochemical demonstration of K-pNPPase activity using cerium as capture reagent.
- 200. Differentiation of cultured mouse embryonal carcinoma cells induced by defined chemicals.
- 25. Ultracytochemical localization of phosphatase in the monkey urothelium.
- Expressmon of alkaline phosphatase activity in preimplantation mouse embryos
- ミクロネシア連邦,ポナペ島K村住民の食生活と肥満の現状(2009年住民健診)