- 論文の詳細を見る
Impacting vibration, that is a mechanical vibration accompanied with impact, is usually complicated and can hardly be analyzed, owing to extreme nonlinearity of the impact. Then, a general method of analog computer simulation applicable to impacting vibration of a multi-degree-of-freedom system has been investigated. In the collinear impact of two bodies A and B (Fig. 1 (a)), the relation between the gap (x_A-x_B) and the contact force f_i is given by Fig. 1 (b) or Eq. 1. In Eq. 1, the negative gap represents local deformation at the impact point. The stiffness of the local deformation s_n is assumed to be constant. It can be considered that a virtual elastic component of nonlinear stiffness s_N is always connected between the impact points of two bodies. In the impedance analogy, the reciprocal of s_N corresponds to a nonlinear capacitance C_N. By use of this C_N, an electrical equivalent circuit of a vibration system with impact is given in Fig. 2, where f_<Ak> and f_<Bk> are the external forces applied to the mechanical terminals A_k and B_k, respectively, and x^^^. _A and x^^^. _B are the velocities of the impact points A_1 and B_1, respectively. The nth mode equivalent circuit inside the black box in Fig. 2 can be given as Fig. 3 (a) or (b). A computing element simulating the C_N, which has an ideal characteristic as shown in Fig. 4 (b), can be constructed as Fig. 4 (a) provided that D_1 is an ideal diode. The actually obtained characteristic, however, is unsatisfactory for the exact simulation as shown by crosses (×) in Fig. 5. Then, a clipping circuit shown in Fig. 7 is added in cascade to the output terminal of Fig. 4 (a). Thus, such an improved characteristic as shown by dotts (・) in Fig. 5 is obtained. This element is named an 'impact-element' and represented by the symbol shown in Fig. 9. A setup diagram for analog computer simulation of the nth mode is shown in Fig. 10 (a) and it is represented by diagramatic symbol as in Fig. 10 (b). A block diagram for simulating the whole vibration system represented by the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 2 is set up as in Fig. 8 by use of the symbols of Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 (b). By the above-mentioned method, simulation of some impacting vibrations has been done. Simulated waveforms obtained for models given in Fig. 11 and 13 are shown in Fig. 12 and 14, respectively. These results indicate that the simulation method mentioned here is available and effective for simple analyses of impacting vibrations.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1975-08-01
- 誘電損を考慮した圧電振動子の等価回路
- 超音波振動子諸定数の自動測定法
- 和音打楽器について : 音叉形振動子の応用
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- 海底堆積物を対象とした音響特性簡易測定法の提案と室内モデル実験
- 高次のラジアルモードとの結合も考慮に入れた圧電磁器短円柱/円板振動子(直径≳軸長)の結合振動特性の検討
- PbTiO_3系圧電磁器(|k_/k_|≪1)を用いた振動子の結合振動特性
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- I-3 圧電共振子におけるエネルギー閉込め(招待講演)
- 正方形状単一圧電板鞍形屈曲振動子の3端子フィルタ構成
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- 複素弾性率簡易測定法による測定値の実験的検討
- C-5 トロイダル形広領域集束超音波トランスジューサのサイドローブ低減の試み(超音波の発生・検出)
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- B-10 表面励振形圧電横波トランスジューサを用いたくさび形表面波探触子(超音波の発生・検出II)
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- 33. 東北地方の三次元速度構造と火山分布(日本火山学会 1983 年度春季大会講演要旨)
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- 1-1 音声合成における発話速度の制御規則に関する研究(第1部門 音声処理・セキュリティ)
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