メロドラマとは何か? : 価値観<崩壊期>の演劇状況
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In this paper, I tried to analyze the one of poems of Osip Mandel'stam "Voz'mina radost' iz moikh ladonjei". Mainly I examined the idea of Time and Love in Mandel'stam's Poem, focusing on the image of bees, which appears also in a collection of poems called "TRISTIA". Bees have often been a symbol of poets, from time immemorial in European poatic trandition. However for Mandel'stam, image of more implying. In his work, bees symbolize ideas of Life, Death and Love.Here Mandel'stam might imply, in very erotic love exists a secret mysterious interrelation exists between life and death. Let us take up an image of Time in Mandel'stam, Time and Love is a knotting point of Life and death, eternity and Moment. Erotic love seeens to be a hymn of joyful life, and at the same time it connotes the consanguinity to death after reproduction. A moment of delightful love egualls a moment of death. It symbolizes the exact moment that bees appear and die after they fly out of thier hive. Let us reread the work of Mandel'stamand enjoy its boundless charm and sound out its secret; The truth of erotic love. Absolutely because, Love moves, produces, increases and links together all the world. It is needless to say, including lyric poetry.
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