停留睾丸に関する研究 : 第1報Luteining hormone-releasing hormone(LH-RH)負荷時における停留睾丸患者のplasma LH,FSH及びtestosterone値の変化について
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In an attempt to throw light on the problem of cryptorchidism, the author conducted a controlled experiment on three adult groups consisting of normal subjects and patients with unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism. Their plasma levels of FSH, LH and testosterone were measured and compared among groups before and after LH-RH loading. As a result, it has been found that both groups of cryptorchidism had comparatively high levels at baseline for both FSH and LH in plasma, especially in the bilateral group, and positively responded to LH-RH loading, indicating their hypothalamo-hypophyseal systems probably functioning normally. The plasma levels of testosterone at base line were highest in the unilateral cryptorchidism, next in the normal, and lowest in the bilateral cryptorchidism group. But their reaction with loaded LH-RH was generally poor in both groups of cryptorchidism, suggesting that, in cryptorchid cases, unilateral and bilateral alike, the capacity of the testicle to secrete testosterone was generally depressed, freeing central suppression. That probably accounts for the high values of plasma FSH and LH observed in such patients. The quantitative reciprocal correlation observed between plasma FSH and testosterone indicated the negative feedback regulation clearly active for FSH and testosterone. Presumably FSH is playing some role in the secretion of testosterone.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1975-08-20
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